About the workshop
Date: 8 November 2022
Banca d’Italia, the Bank of England and Banque de France are jointly organizing the 8th edition of the International Macroeconomics Workshop on 8 November 2022. This year’s edition focuses on the role of the dollar in international finance and trade. The conference will have a keynote address by Prof. Jesse Schreger (Columbia Business School). The workshop will take place in Rome at the Banca d’Italia, and will be held in-person (unless the evolution of the pandemic or other exceptional circumstances will not allow so).
We invite theoretical and empirical research covering the following topics:
- Dollar safety and convenience yields
- Deglobalisation and the future of dollar dominance
- Dollar funding and the global financial cycle
- Dollar invoicing and global trade
- Dollar shortages and central bank swap lines
- The emergence of non-dollar reserve currencies
- Digital alternatives to the dollar
The deadline for submitting a paper is 1 September 2022 to the following email address: intworkshop2022@gmail.com. Authors of selected papers will be contacted by 15 September.
- Antoine Berthou (BdF)
- Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (BoE)
- Aydan Dogan (BoE)
- Fabrizio Venditti (BdI)
For registration to attend the conference send an email to bancaditalia.studi.convegni@bancaditalia.it.