Details of declared gifts, hospitality and other disclosable interests for the Market Intelligence team in 2013

We publish details of a selection of requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the information we disclose in response.

Date released:  1 April 2015
There were 11 people who worked in the central Market Intelligence team during the calendar year 2013.

A list of the received hospitality and gifts attended by those 11 people for the period 1 January to 31 December 2013.

PDFList of received hospitality and gifts

The information held by the Bank relating to interests disclosed in 2013 showed that of those 11 people:

  • One individual declared a company directorship which was approved by the Bank as presenting no potential conflict of interest.
  • One individual declared a personal relationship. Bank staff are required to disclose if a family member or someone else connected to them works in the Bank and to declare any relationship with a person or organisation outside the Bank where it may lead (or could be perceived to lead) to a conflict of interest.