The company registration number for Leeds Building Society and where they are registered

We publish details of a selection of requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the information we disclose in response.

Date released:  10 February 2015


Leeds Building Society is a mutual society and not a company and therefore it is not required to be registered under the Companies Acts.  Accordingly Leeds Building Society does not have a company registration number.

Mutual societies are, however, required to be registered by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) in its capacity as the Registrar for Mutual Societies.  Further information on the registration of mutual societies is available on the FCA’s website.

Leeds Building Society is registered as a mutual society under the Building Societies Act 1986 and the registration number for the society is 350B.   Details of Leeds Building Society’s registration are available by searching the Mutuals Public Register.

A copy of the entry for Leeds Building Society is provided below.

PDFLeeds entry on Mutuals Public Register as at 19/01/2015

In addition to being registered as a mutual society, the Leeds Building Society is authorised and regulated on a dual basis by the Prudential Regulation Authority and FCA.  The firm reference number on the Financial Services Register for Leeds Building Society is 164992.