Sixth meeting of the PRA and FCA’s joint Climate Financial Risk Forum

The Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) met for the sixth time in March 2021.
Published on 26 March 2021

The FCA and PRA hosted the sixth meeting of the CFRF in March 2021.

The co-chairs welcomed one new member organisation, the Church of England Pensions Board.

Since the last Forum in November, the working group chairs, members and secretariats have been progressing their respective topics of risk management, scenario analysis, disclosure and innovation whilst also further developing the cross-cutting workstream on climate data and metrics. The Forum discussed the progress made by each working group to date, including outputs for Session 2 (July 2020 – December 2021). 

The Forum agreed that an interim meeting should be scheduled that would be focussed on opportunities for the CFRF to highlight its work prior to, and during the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). 

The next CFRF meeting will take place in Q2 2021, with an interim meeting focused on COP26 taking place in May 2021.