Appointment of Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Financial Resilience

The Bank of England today announced a new appointment to its Executive Team.
Published on 05 June 2015

The Court of the Bank of England has approved the appointment of Andrew Hauser as Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Financial Resilience (BPFR), effective from 1 September 2015.  

Andrew joined the Bank in 1992, and has worked at senior levels across most of its major policy and operational areas.  Most recently, Andrew was Director for Markets Strategy, where he led the Fair and Effective Markets Review Secretariat.  Prior to that he headed up the Bank’s sterling markets operations, was Private Secretary to the Governor, Alternate UK Executive Director to the IMF in Washington, D.C., and head of the team responsible for producing the Inflation Report.  He has served on the secretariats to both the MPC and the FPC.

Andrew will report to the Deputy Governor for Markets & Banking, Minouche Shafik.  As Executive Director, he will be responsible for:  the forward-looking assessment of financial risks to the Bank of England’s balance sheet; the operation and strategic development of the Bank’s payment system services; and the Bank’s wholesale and retail banking operations, including the provision of Emergency Liquidity Assistance.

Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, said:  “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Hauser as Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Financial Resilience. On behalf of the Bank’s senior management team, I look forward to working closely with Andrew in our efforts to ensure the robust delivery of services to critical payment systems, and to reshape core markets and the Bank’s relationship to them via the sound risk management of our balance sheet. I would also like to thank Andrew for all his hard and productive work as head of the Fair and Effective Markets Review secretariat over the past year”

PDF Press release

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