Bank of England announces the timetable for publication of the 2015 UK stress testing results

The Bank of England is today setting out the timetable for the publication of the UK stress test results.
Published on 28 September 2015

On 30 March 2015 the Bank of England set out details of the scenario for the stress tests for the seven major UK banks and building societies. The scenario was agreed by the Financial Policy Committee (FPC) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Board.

The 2015 stress test assesses the resilience of the UK banking system to a deterioration in global economic conditions. The stress scenario is not a forecast of macroeconomic and financial conditions in the United Kingdom or other countries, nor is it a set of events that is expected, or likely, to materialise. It is a coherent, ‘tail-risk’ scenario that has been designed specifically to assess the resilience of UK banks and building societies to a severe shock.  

The Bank of England has received firms’ initial stress testing submissions and is in the process of analysing the results. The FPC and the PRA Board will discuss that analysis over the autumn. Final decisions on the results of the stress tests will be made by both committees on 30 November and will be fed back to the firms involved on the same day. The UK stress test results will be published alongside the Financial Stability Report at 07:00 hrs (GMT) on 1 December.

The Bank of England will not comment on any speculation about the results until they are published. The results will be decided on 30 November, not before.

PDF Press release

PDF Key elements of the 2015 stress test 

PDF Guidance for participating firms 

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