Index-Linked Treasury Stocks

Index-linked treasury stocks are gilts issued by the UK Government. They pay out twice a year, with the amount indexed to the Retail Prices Index.
Published on 13 December 2016

2 1/2% Index-Linked Treasury Stock 2024

In accordance with the terms of the prospectus dated 19 December 1986, the Bank of England announces that the rate of interest payable on the above stock for the interest payment due on 17 July 2017 will be £3.3979 per £100 nominal of stock.

4 1/8% Index-Linked Treasury Stock 2030

In accordance with the terms of the prospectus dated 12 June 1992, the Bank of England announces that the rate of interest payable on the above stock for the interest payment due on 22 July 2017 will be £4.0532 per £100 nominal of stock.

PDF Press release

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