Pillar 2 liquidity: PRA110 reporting frequency threshold

Policy Statement 26/19 | Consultation Paper 14/19

Published on 17 December 2019

Pillar 2 liquidity: PRA110 reporting frequency threshold - PS26/19


This Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Policy Statement (PS) provides feedback to responses to Consultation Paper (CP) 14/19 ‘Pillar 2 liquidity: PRA110 reporting frequency threshold’ (see page 2 of 2). It also contains the PRA’s final policy, as follows:

  • amendments to the Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook (Appendix 1); and
  • updated Supervisory Statement (SS) 24/15 ‘The PRA’s approach to supervising liquidity and funding risks’ (Appendix 2).

This PS is relevant to PRA-authorised UK banks, building societies, and PRA-designated UK investment firms, referred to collectively as ‘firms’ with total assets of £5 billion or above, calculated in accordance with Council Directive 86/635/EEC.

The PRA received two responses to the CP. The respondents made a number of useful observations, which are summarised in Chapter 2, but after consideration, the PRA has decided not to change the proposed policy.


The implementation date of this policy is Friday 1 May 2020. 

The policy set out in this PS has been designed in the context of the current UK and EU regulatory framework. The PRA has assessed that the policy will not be affected in the event that the UK leaves the EU with no implementation period in place. 

Having considered the feedback, the PRA does not consider that the respondent raised new information that alters the validity of the cost benefit analysis. The PRA has decided that it does not need a change to the proposed policy.

PDFPolicy Statement 26/19
