Institutional Shareholders Committee - press announcement 16 April 1973

Quarterly Bulletin 1973 Q2
Published on 01 June 1973

Press announcement issued by the Bank of England on 16th April 1973.

The Working Party (consisting of representatives of the Accepting Houses Committee, the Association of Investment Trust Companies, the Association of Unit Trust Managers, the British Insurance Association, the Issuing Houses Association, and the National Association of Pension Funds, with an observer from the Committee of London Clearing Bankers) created by the Bank of England to examine and report upon a possible structure and method of operation of a central organisation through which institutional investors, in collaboration with those concerned, would stimulate action to improve efficiency in industrial and commercial companies where this was judged necessary, reported in December last that the Association of Investment Trust Companies, the Association of Unit Trust Managers, and the National Association of Pension Funds had agreed to establish such an organisation to co-ordinate their existing investment protection activities in this field.

PDFInstitutional Shareholders Committee - press announcement 16 April 1973

Institutional Shareholders Committee - press announcement 16 Apr 1973