The investment currency market

Quarterly Bulletin 1976 Q3
Published on 01 September 1976

There are two recognised foreign currency markets in the United Kingdom: the official market, through which most payments between residents and non-residents pass; and the investment currency market, in which the 'dollar premium' arises. The investment currency market is available for certain specified capital transactions, and only residents of the Scheduled Territories have access to it. The purpose of this article is to explain what is meant by 'investment currency' and the 'dollar premium', and to show how the investment currency market works.

It should be mentioned at the outset that payments through the investment currency market are subject to the provisions of the Exchange Control Act 1947, just as much as are payments through the official market. In particular, residents need permission to purchase any foreign currency and are required to sell any foreign currency in their possession on the official market unless they have been given permission to sell it on the investment currency market or to retain it for some particular purpose. Moreover, any permissions given may be conditional. It is these and other powers in the Act which provide the legislative basis of the investment currency market and enable it to be controlled.

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