Banking statistics country exposure

Quarterly Bulletin 1980 Q4
Published on 01 December 1980

This note describes a new table in the statistical annex-Table 13 in this issue. It covers (or wiIl eventuaIly cover) all the consolidated claims and unused commitments of UK-registered banks in sterling and foreign currency, in respect of non-residents of the United Kingdom. The information is compiled primarily to enable the Bank of England to monitor the exposure of these banks, and of the British banking system as a whole, to individual countries; it is supplied by UK-registered banks only, and is coIlected on a consolidated basis, covering the operations not only of the banks' offices in the United Kingdom but also of their banking subsidiaries and offices abroad. Because this series covers the world-wide activities of UK-registered banks, it is not directly comparable with other data in the Bulletin giving a geographical analysis of banks' lending. It is, however, a system of reporting which is being increasingly used by supervisory authorities.

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