The future structure of the gilt-edged market: official operations

Quarterly Bulletin 1986 Q4
Published on 01 December 1986

This note explains how the Bank is conducting its secondary market operations in gilt-edged in the initial stages of the new market structure.

In the Bank's blue paper 'The Future Structure of the Gilt- Edged Market' ( April 1985) the Bank indicated that it would in due course wish to examine the possibility that a part of the funding programme might be put on a more regular footing, with greater reliance on the primary gilt-edged market. To this end we intend, later this year, once the initial change in market structure has taken place, to explore with market participants the detailed form of a possible experimental series of auctions covering a part of the Government's funding through conventional stocks. In the meantime we have no present plans significantly to alter our methods of operation in the primary market.

PDFThe future structure of the gilt-edged market: official operations


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