Record of Financial Policy Committee Meeting held on 23 November 2011

Our Financial Policy Committee (FPC) meets quarterly and sets policy to meet our financial stability objective.
Published on 06 December 2011

The interim Financial Policy Committee unanimously agreed the following policy recommendations: 

1. Following its recommendation from September, and given the current exceptionally threatening environment, the Committee recommends that, if earnings are insufficient to build capital levels further, banks should limit distributions and give serious consideration to raising external capital in the coming months. 

2. The Committee reiterates its advice to the FSA to encourage banks to improve the resilience of their balance sheets without exacerbating market fragility or reducing lending to the real economy. 

3. The Committee recommends that the FSA encourages banks to disclose their leverage ratios, as defined in the Basel III agreement, as part of their regular reporting not later than the beginning of 2013.

PDFFinancial Policy Committee record

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