Ida's Bank Underground blog posts
Why short-term finance matters (a lot more) to exporting firms - August 2024
Ida Hjortsoe is a senior research manager at the Bank’s Research Hub. She joined the Bank of England in 2012 after completing her PhD in Economics at the European University Institute and the London School of Economics. Ida started her career at the Bank in the International Directorate and then worked as a monetary policy adviser, before moving to the Research Hub in 2017.
Ida’s research interests include international macroeconomics, international finance and monetary economics.
Why short-term finance matters (a lot more) to exporting firms - August 2024
International Evidence on Shock-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through, with Kristin Forbes and Tsvetelina Nenova, IMF Economic Review (2020)
The Shocks Matter: Improving our Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-Through, with Kristin Forbes and Tsvetelina Nenova, Journal of International Economics (2018)
How Does Financial Liberalisation Affect the Influence of Monetary Policy on the Current Account?, with Martin Weale and Tomasz Wieladek, Journal of International Money and Finance (2018)
Current Account Deficits During Heightened Risk: Menacing or Mitigating?, with K Forbes and T Nenova, Economic Journal (2017)
Imbalances and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary union, Journal of International Economics (2016)