Jeremy Franklin

Private Secretary to Andy Haldane, Chief Economist - Monetary Analysis and Research & Statistics


Jeremy's previous research has focussed on monetary policy, the UK’s “Productivity Puzzle” and the impact of the financial crisis on the real economy. 

Jeremy started at the Bank in 2011 in the Structural Economic Analysis Division. He has worked on inflation forecasting as well as labour market and corporate sector issues. Prior to that Jeremy spent four years in the Home Office and the Migration Advisory Committee secretariat working on immigration and asylum policy. Jeremy studied economics at Warwick University and did his masters degree at the London School of Economics.

Jeremy now works as Private Secretary to Andy Haldane – Chief Economist, MPC Member and Executive Director of Monetary Analysis and Research & Statistics.

Jeremy's selected academic publications

Impaired capital reallocation and productivity, with A Barnett, B Broadbent, A Chiu and H Miller, National Institute Economic Review (2014)