Misa Tanaka

Head of Research - Research Hub


Misa is the Head of Research at the Bank of England. She has joined the Bank in 2002 after completing a D.Phil in Economics at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. She has held a number of positions across Monetary Analysis, Financial Stability, and Prudential Policy Areas of the Bank. Misa has previously published articles on international policy spillovers, bonus regulations, and sovereign debt finance in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Financial Intermediation, and Economic Journal, amongst others. Misa's current research interests include prudential policies and the impact of climate change on the financial system.

Misa's selected academic publications

An elusive panacea? The impact of the regulatory valuation regime on insurers’ investment behaviour, with Caterina Lepore, David Humphry and Kallol Sen, International Review of Financial Analysis (2019) 
Credit traps and macroeconomic leverage, with Angus Foulis and Benjamin Nelson, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2018)
Climate change challenges for central banks and financial regulators, with Emanuele Campiglio, Yannis Dafermos, Pierre Monnin, Josh Ryan-Collins and Guido Schotten, Nature Climate Change (2018)
Climate change: what implications for central banks and financial regulators?, with Sandra Batten and Rhiannon Sowerbutts, Caldecott, Ben eds, Stranded Assets and the Environment: Risk, Resilience and Opportunity, Routledge (2018)
Optimal pay regulation for too-big-to-fail banks, with John Thanassoulis, Journal of Financial Intermediation (2018)
Reputation, risk-taking and macroprudential policy, with David Aikman and Benjamin Nelson, Journal of Banking and Finance (2015)
International spillover effects and monetary policy activism, with Anna Lipinska and Morten Spange, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2011)
Does better information about foreign shocks improve monetary policy?, with Kang Yong Tan, Journal of International Money and Finance (2010)
Bond vs. bank finance: implications for sovereign debtors, Economic Journal (2006)
The macroeconomic implications of the New Basel Accord, CESifo Economic Studies (2003)