Further details about CHAPS daily settlement data

CHAPS data definitions


CHAPS is the UK’s high-value payment system which provides efficient, settlement risk-free and irrevocable payments. It is used to settle high-value wholesale payments as well as time-critical, lower-value payments. Payment obligations between CHAPS Direct Participants are settled individually on a gross basis in RTGS. 

This dataset provides the daily total volume and value of payments settled in CHAPS, broken down by ISO 20022 message type. New data is published each month for the previous month. 

Definitions of message types 

This dataset is broken down by ISO 20022 message type. ISO 20022 is an established international financial services messaging standard. The definition of each message type is below:

pacs.004 – return payments 

pacs.008 – customer credit transfers 

pacs.009 – financial institution transfer

Please note: pacs.009 payments include RTGS funding and defunding payments. These are payments instructed by RTGS account holders to add or remove funds from their non-CHAPS accounts. 

Further details 

For an introduction to the UK’s Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) service please visit Payment and settlement.

For further information on the CHAPS high-value payment system please visit CHAPS.

For payment and settlement statistics please visit  Payment and settlement statistics.

Contact us 

For enquiries about CHAPS statistics: please contact the Bank of England on 020 3461 4878 or by email enquiries@bankofengland.co.uk.

This page was last updated 03 May 2024