London financial intermediation workshop

During this workshop, top researchers from Cass, EBRD, Imperial, LBS, LSE and Oxford will present and discuss their latest research in the field of financial intermediation.

Event date: 16 February 2017

The Bank of England will hold its first London Financial Intermediation Workshop. All papers presented are specifically chosen with a view of their relevance to the Bank of England’s policy work.

The agenda for the conference includes:

  • Welcome speech by Andy Haldane (Chief Economist, Bank of England)
  • Presentations by Franklin Allen (Imperial), Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe (LSE), Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial), Alan Morrison (Said Business School), Martin Oehmke (LSE), Vikrant Vig (LBS) and Kathy Yuan (LSE)
  • Discussions by Max Bruche (Cass), Ralph de Haas (EBRD), Frederic Malherbe (LBS), Ian Martin (LSE), Jose Luis Peydro (Imperial, UPF), Elias Papaioannou (LBS) and Vania Stavrakeva (LBS)

The conference will be held in the Bank of England’s Auditorium at 20 Moorgate.

PDFWorkshop program