4th Workshop on Household Finance and Housing

In-person event on 8 and 9 June 2023

About the workshop

On Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June 2023 the Bank of England and Imperial College Business School jointly organised the 4th edition of the Workshop on Household Finance and Housing.

This workshop provided a platform for academics and central bankers from all around the world to discuss the latest research and techniques used in the field of household finance and housing.

Speakers included: João Cocco (London Business School), John Gathergood (Nottingham University), Kathrin Schlafmann (Copenhagen Business School), Parinitha Sastry (Columbia Business School), Arpit Gupta (NYU Stern), Laurent Calvet (SKEMA Business School), Kim Peijnenburg (EDHEC), Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School) and Tomasz Piskorski (Columbia Business School).

Silvia Ardagna (Barclays), Torsten Bell (Resolution Foundation), Ben Broadbent (Bank of England) and Dimitris Georgarakos (ECB), spoke at a panel discussion on ‘Impact of Inflation on Households’. 

Workshop programme

Thursday 8 June   
Opening Remarks: Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College Business School) and Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England)  
Mortgage refinancing during tightening monetary policy
Speaker: João Cocco (London Business School)
Discussant: Ethan Ilzetzki (LSE)
Panel Discussion on ‘Impact of Inflation on Households’
Speakers: Silvia Ardagna (Barclays), Torsten Bell (Resolution Foundation), Ben Broadbent (Bank of England) and Dimitris Georgarakos (ECB)
Chair: Swati Dhingra (Bank of England)
Does Pension Automatic Enrolment Cause Debt? Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Experiment
Speaker: John Gathergood (Nottingham University)
Discussant: Clara Martinez-Toledano (Imperial College Business School)
Designing Pension Plans According to Consumption-Savings Theory
Speaker: Kathrin Schlafmann (Copenhagen Business School)
Discussant: Peter Levell (IFS)
K. Schlafmann paper
P. Levell discussion slides
Who Bears Flood Risk? Evidence from Mortgage Markets in Florida
Speaker: Parinitha Sastry (Columbia Business School)
Discussant: Jose-Luis Peydro (Imperial College Business School)
P. Sastry paper 
P. Sastry slides
J. Peydro discussion slides
Financial Constraints and the Racial Housing Gap
Speaker: Arpit Gupta (NYU Stern)
Discussant: Amrita Kulka (Warwick University)
A. Gupta paper
A. Gupta slides
A. Kulka discussion slides
Friday 9 June  
What Do the Portfolios of Individual Investors Reveal about the Cross-Section of Equity Returns?
Speaker: Laurent Calvet (SKEMA Business School)
Discussant: Daniele Bianchi (Queen Mary)
L. Calvet paper
L. Calvet slides
D. Bianchi discussion slides
Extrapolators and Contrarians: Forecast Bias and Household Equity Trading
Speaker: Kim Peijnenburg (EDHEC)
Discussant: Pedro Bordalo (Saïd Business School)
Does Saving Cause Borrowing? Implications for the Co-Holding Puzzle
Speaker: Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School)
Discussant: Tianyue Ruan (NUS Business School)
M. Pagel paper
M. Pagel slides
T. Ruan discussion slides
Monetary Tightening and U.S. Bank Fragility in 2023: Mark-to-Market Losses and Uninsured Depositor Runs?
Speaker: Tomasz Piskorski (Columbia Business School)
Discussant: Rajkamal Iyer (Imperial College Business School)
T. Piskorski paper
R. Iyer discussion slides 

This page was last updated 12 July 2023