Extract from the Governors speech to the Overseas Bankers Club 30 Jan 1967

Quarterly Bulletin 1967 Q1
Published on 01 March 1967

Given at the annual banquet of the Overseas Bankers Club at Guildhall on 30th January 1967.

... I am very appreciative of the honour which I have this evening of responding for the first time as a Vice-President of the Overseas Bankers Club to the toast of the Club proposed by the First Secretary, Mr Michael Stewart, so generously and with such thoughtful eloquence. I am sure that we are all most grateful to him for sparing the time in a very busy and exacting life to be with us here tonight and for giving us so much good food for thought.

PDFExtract from the Governors speech to the Overseas Bankers Club 30 Jan 1967

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