The net debt of the public sector: end-March 1992

Quarterly Bulletin 1992 Q4
Published on 01 December 1992

This article continues the series begun in the March 1986 Bulletin and last updated in the November 1991 Bulletin. From the November 1988 Bulletin it has been combined with the long-standing series of articles on the national debt and its distribution. It has been compiled with the help of the Central Statistical Office and others.

The main points are:

  • The net debt of the public sector and market holdings of the national debt both rose in 1991/92, by around £14 billion and £16 billion respectively.
  • In relation to GDP, these measures increased by between one and two percentage points.
  • General government gross debt had risen to 35.5% of GDP at end-March 1992.

PDFThe net debt of the public sector: end-March 1992

Other Quarterly Bulletin 1992 Q4 articles