The non-resident sector covers all non-UK residents, including all financial and non-financial institutions incorporated in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and branches of UK and other institutions that operate there.
Deposit-taking corporations
This category refers to non-resident banks and other non-resident financial institutions whose business is to receive deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits (such as short-term certificates of deposit) from entities other than deposit-taking corporations and, for their own account (at least in economic terms), to grant credit and/or make investments in securities. Non-resident deposit-taking corporations include central monetary institutions (CMIs) but exclude money market funds.
“Intra-group” business here refers to business with non-resident deposit-taking corporations that are part of the same group as the reporting institution.
Other financial corporations
These comprise all non-resident financial corporations other than deposit-taking corporations. These include all non-resident money market funds, non-money market fund collective investment schemes, factoring companies and discounters, insurance companies and pension funds, leasing companies, securities dealers, financial auxiliaries, other financial institutions and also banking international organisations.
Other non-residents
This category includes non-residents other than non-resident deposit-taking corporations, non-resident other financial corporations and non-resident central governments.
Further information on definitions can be found in Part III of the Classification of Accounts Guide.