Statistical Notice 2021/03

Statistical Notices update the definitions and guidance contained in the Banking Statistics Yellow Folder
Published on 22 April 2021

Cash Ratio Deposits (effective immediately)

Cash Ratio Deposits (CRDs) are non-interest bearing deposits lodged with the Bank of England by eligible institutions (i.e. banks and building societies), who have reported average eligible liabilities (ELs) in excess of £600 million over a six-month calculation period. The level of each institution’s CRD is calculated twice yearly (in May and November).

The applicable ratio for the next adjustment to CRDs, due on Tuesday 1 June 2021, will be published on the Bank’s website on 21 May 2021, the Bank will issue call notices to CRD-payers (which will include this revised CRD ratio) shortly thereafter. This CRD ratio will be applied to average ELs in excess of £600 million over the previous six end-calendar months. Further information on how the applicable ratio is calculated

You will be contacted shortly asking for your updated contact details. Please ensure your details are correct and returned to the Data Reception team by the deadline set on the request form.

The deadline for revisions to ELs to be reflected in the June adjustment is 5pm on Wednesday 19 May 2021.

Bank of England Statistical Taxonomy - PWD

On Wednesday 21 April we published version 1.2.0 public working draft (PWD) of the Bank of England Statistics taxonomy to support the collection of statistical data previously collected in an XML format. This change was announced in Statistical Notice 2021/02.

The taxonomy, data point model (DPM) dictionary, annotated templates and validation rules represent the reporting requirements outlined on the Forms, definitions and validations page of the Bank of England website, and collected under the Statistical Code of Practice. The data point model is an extension of the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) data point model and filings will be subject to the EBA filing rules as published on the EBA website.

We invite feedback, particularly from firms and software vendors, on the PWD technical artefacts to by Friday 21 May 2021. This PWD should not be used for reporting. We will aim to publish the final version of the taxonomy and DPM in late July/ early August 2021.