Statistical Notice 2022/12

Statistical Notices update the definitions and guidance contained in the Banking Statistics Yellow Folder
Published on 14 June 2022

UAT Testing

Please be advised that the hotfix v1.2.3 has now been deployed to the UAT environment. Please see the Bank of England Statistics change log v122 vs v123 for further details of the changes in this release.

The UAT window will close on 1 July. 

BEEDS Reporting - accounts

All Statistical contacts have now been loaded to BEEDS Live. The accounts created were based on the information provided in the key survey. Users are strongly encouraged to perform the following checks, ahead of live reporting deadlines:

  • Ensure you are able to log in to the BEEDS Live Portal.
  • Ensure you have access to the Firms that you submit data for.
  • Ensure the reporting identifier in the Firm Profile is correct.
  • If you are the nominated Principal User, please assist in setting up/amending Additional User accounts. Instructions can be found in the BEEDS User Guide (see section 8, page 22)
  • If the previously nominated Principal User needs amending, please email BEEDSQueries.

The contact details held in BEEDS will be used for sending data validation and plausibility queries going forwards so it is essential that Firms maintain their user details in BEEDS.

Returns for end-June will be available after 1 July.

A reminder that returns will be created for ALL firms to submit data against in BEEDS, if they wish to at this time. OSCA accounts remain available but we strongly encourage Firms to migrate to BEEDS as soon as possible and to make use of testing windows prior to their BEEDS migration. 

Reporting period end date

Please be advised that the change to amend the reporting period end date to end month, is now live for BEEDS submissions.

For example, end May returns that are due this week, should be dated 2022-05-31.

Return end dates in BEEDS Live have now been amended to end month

Discontinuation of the Bank Exposures collection

The Bank has recently completed an internal review about discontinuing the Bank Exposures data collection. Following evaluation of the costs and benefits of the collection, reporters are no longer required to report the Bank Exposures data, after the Q1 2022 reference period, with the last collection on 20 May 2022.

We would like to thank Bank Exposures reporters for their contribution to this collection.

If you have any queries relating to this, please contact


A summary of all Statistical Notice items that are yet to come into effect are also available to view on the Statistical notices page. Statistical Notices should be received by all those responsible for the completion of Bank of England returns. To amend the circulation list please subscribe.