Second Workshop on Household Finance and Housing

Held virtually from 14-16 June 2021

About the workshop

The Centre for Central Banking Studies (Bank of England), Imperial College Business School, London School of Economics (LSE) and Centre for Macroeconomics (CfM) jointly organised the second edition of the Workshop on Household Finance and Housing from Monday 14 - Wednesday 16 June 2021.

The aim of this workshop was to provide a platform to academics and central bankers from all around the world to discuss the latest research and techniques used in the field of household finance and housing.

Raj Chetty (Harvard) and Emi Nakamura (University of California, Berkeley) gave keynote seminars on 15 June and 16 June, respectively. Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England, LSE) chaired a panel discussion on Covid and changes in households’ behaviour on 14 June.

2021 programme

Day one

Opening remarks: Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England, LSE), Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College Business School)


The End of the American Dream? Inequality and Segregation in US Cities
Speaker: Alessandra Fogli (Fed Minneapolis), with Veronica Guerrieri (Chicago Booth)
Discussant: Jessi Handbury (Wharton Real Estate)

A. Fogli paper
A. Fogli slides
J. Handbury discussion slides
Day one - session one video

Panel: COVID-19 and Changes in Households’ Behaviour 
Speakers: Sinem Hacioglu (Bank of England), Stijn Nieuwerburgh (Columbia Business School), Scott Baker (Kellogg), Sevi Rodriguez Mora (Edinburgh)
Chair: Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England, LSE)

S. Hacioglu slides
S. Nieuwerburgh slides
S. Baker slides
S. Rodriguez Mora slides
Day one - session two video

Why do Borrowers Default on Mortgages? A New Method for Causal Attribution
Speaker: Pascal Noel (Chicago Booth), with Peter Ganong (Chicago Harris)
Discussant: Angus Foulis (Bank of England)

P. Noel paper
P. Noel slides
A. Foulis discussion slides
Day one - session three video

Day two

Eviction and Poverty in American cities: Evidence from Chicago and New York
Speaker: Winnie Van Dijk (Harvard University), with Rob Collinson (Notre Dame), John Eric Humphries (Yale), Nick Mader (Chapin Hall), Davin Reed (Fed Philadelphia) and Daniel Tannenbaum (Nebraska-Lincoln)
Discussant: Stephanie Johnson (Rice University)

Refinancing Cross-Subsidies in the UK Mortgage Market
Speaker: Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College), with Jack Fisher (LSE), Alessandro Gavazza (LSE), Lu Liu (Imperial College) and Jagdish Tripathy (Bank of England)
Discussant: Gregory Matvos (Kellogg)

T. Ramadorai paper
T. Ramadorai slides
G. Matvos discussion slides
Day two - session two video

Keynote: Creating Moves to Opportunity
Speaker: Raj Chetty (Harvard University), with Peter Bergman (Columbia), Stefanie DeLuca (Johns Hopkins), Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard), Lawrence F. Katz (Harvard) and Christopher Palmer (MIT)

R. Chetty paper
R. Chetty slides
Day two - session three video

Day three

Can Security Design Foster Household Risk-Taking?
Speaker: Laurent Calvet (EDHEC Business School), with Claire Celerier (Toronto Rotman), Paolo Sodini (Stockholm School of Economics) and Boris Vallee (Harvard Business School)
Discussant: Wenlan Qian (NUS Business School)

L. Calvet paper
L. Calvet slides
W. Qian discussion slides
Day three - session one video

Keynote: Women Wealth Effects, and Slow Recoveries
Speaker: Emi Nakamura (University of California, Berkeley), with Masao Fukui (MIT) and Jon Steinsson (University of California, Berkeley)

E. Nakamura paper
E. Nakamura slides   
Day three - session two video

Consumer Credit: Learning Your Customer's Default Risk from What (S)he Buys
Speaker: Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Berkeley Haas)
Discussant: Michael Haliassos (Goethe University)

A. Vissing-Jorgensen paper
A. Vissing-Jorgensen slides
M. Haliassos  discussion slides
Day three - session three video
This page was last updated 17 February 2023