Riccardo Masolo

Senior Economist - Monetary Analysis Division


Riccardo works in the Modelling Team in the Monetary Analysis area and is a member of the Centre for Macroeconomics. His research interests span macroeconomic theory, monetary policy, and forecasting with DSGEs.

Riccardo received a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University and an MSc and BA from Bocconi University.

Riccardo's selected academic publications

A time-varying parameter structural model of the UK economy, with G. Kapetanios, K. Petrova and M. Waldron, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, forthcoming (2019)
Identifying Noise Shocks: a VAR with Data Revisions, with A. Paccagnini, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming (2018)
The Stochastic Lower Bound, with P. Winant, Economics Letters, Volume 180, July (2019)
Deflation probability and the scope for monetary policy loosening in the United Kingdom, with A. Haberis and K. Reinold, International Journal of Central Banking (2019)
Forecasting the UK economy: alternative forecasting methodologies and the role of off-model information, with L. Boneva, N. Fawcett, and M. Waldron, International Journal of Forecasting (2019)