Visual summaries
Latest developments in the Bank's money and credit statistics Householdcredit Businesses' finance
raised Quoted household
interest rates Capital
issuance Effective
interest rates Distribution of balances within effective interest rate series
*SA = seasonally adjusted*NSA = not seasonally adjusted
A1.1.1 - Notes and coin
A2.1.1 - Growth rates of M4 and M4 lending
A2.2.1 - Components of M4
View full table A2.2.1 Retail deposits and cash in M4 Wholesale deposits in M4 M4 M3 (estimate of EMU aggregate for the UK) Deposits Notes and coin Total Deposits of which repos Total of which: Private non-financial corporations Household sector Amounts outstanding (SA) B3SF VQJO VQWK VRGP VZZQ AUYN VWYZ Changes (SA) VQXJ VQKI VQXK VRHZ VZZO AUZJ VWYO Amounts outstanding (NSA) VRJX Z597 Z598 VQKT VQXV VRJV VWDO AUYM VWXL Changes (NSA) VRLW Z599 Z59A VQLU VQZA VRLR VWDN AUZI VWXK -
A2.2.3 - M4 and M4 lending excluding intermediate OFCs
View full table A2.2.3 M4 M4 excluding intermediate OFCs OFCs' M4 OFCs' M4 excluding intermediate OFCs M4 lending M4 lending excluding intermediate OFCs M4 lending to OFCs M4 lending to OFCs excluding intermediate OFCs Amounts outstanding (SA) AUYN B53Q VVHF B63Q BC69 B57Q BC56 B67Q Amounts outstanding (NSA) AUYM B3DQ VVHX B3DY BF36 B3DR B8Y9 B3E3 Changes (SA) AUZJ B54Q VVHG B64Q VWVL B58Q VWNL B68Q Changes (NSA) AUZI B3DS VVHY B3E5 BF37 B3DT B8Y7 B3E7 1 month growth rates (SA) VQJS B68P VVHH B67P VWVM B66P VWNM B65P 1 month growth rates (NSA) VQKY B3D4 VVHZ B3D2 BF38 B3D5 B3Z5 B3D3 3 month annualised growth rates (SA) VQKA B55Q VVHI B65Q VWVN B59Q VWNN B69Q 3 month annualised growth rates (NSA) VRKU B3D8 VVIA B3D6 BF39 B3D9 B9Y4 B3D7 12 month growth rates (SA) VQJW B56Q VVHK B66Q VWVP B62Q VWNP B72Q 12 month growth rates (NSA) VQLC B3DC VVIC B3DA BF43 B3DD B9Y7 B3DB -
A2.3 - M3 (estimate of EMU aggregate for the UK)
View full table A2.3 M1 M2 M3 Currency in circulation Overnight deposits Total Deposits with agreed maturity of less than or equal to 2 years Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months Total Repurchase agreements Money market fund shares/ units money market paper Total Amounts outstanding (SA) VWYR VWYS VWYT VWYU VWYV VWYW VWYX VWYY VWYZ Amounts outstanding (NSA) VWYC VWYD VWYE VWYF VWYG VWYH VWYM VWYN VWYO Changes (SA) VWXY VWXZ VWYA VWYB VWYK VWYL VWYM VWYN VWYO Changes (NSA) VWXQ VWXR VWXS VWXT VWXU VWXV VWXW VWXX VWXK 1 month growth rate (SA) VWYP 1 month growth rate (NSA) VWXM 12 month growth rate (SA) VWYQ 12 month growth rate (NSA) VWXP -
A3.1 - Monetary financial institutions balance sheet counterparts to M4
View full table A3.1 M4 lending Net foreign currency lending to private sector Net lending to public sector (including coin) Net lending to non-residents Net other assets M4 Lending Deposits Net Sterling Foreign currency Net Sterling Foreign currency Net Sterling Foreign currency Lending Deposits Net Lending Deposits Net Lending Deposits Net Lending Deposits Net Assets Liabilities Net Assets Liabilities Net Amounts outstanding (SA) BC69 VWRK VWRC VZNJ VWRH VWQZ VZNH VWRI VWRA VZNI VZNG VWRL VWRD VZNQ VWRM VWRE VZNR VZNP VWRN VWRF VZNS VWRO VWRG VZNT AUYN Amounts outstanding (NSA) BF36 VWGK VYAY VWZR VWGL VYAZ VWZP VWGM VYBA VWZQ VWZO VWGN VYBB VWZY VWGO VYBC VWZZ VWZX VYBS VYBD VZNA VYBT VYBE VZNB AUYM Changes (SA) VWVL VWQU VWQM VZNF VWQR VWQJ VQRO VWQS VWQK VZNE VZNC VWQV VWQN VZNL VWQW VWQO VZNM VZNK VWQX VWQP VZNN VWQY VWQQ VZNO AUZJ Changes (NSA) BF37 VWGE VYAB VWZN VWGF VYAC VWZL VWGG VYAD VWZM VWZK VWGH VYAE VWZT VWGI VYAF VWZU VWZS VYAV VYAG VWZV VYAW VYAH VWZW AUZI -
A3.2 - Counterparts to changes in M4: alternative presentation
View full table A3.2 Public sector net cash requirement (PSNCR) M4 private sector net purchases (-) of Central Government debt M4 private sector net purchases of other public sector debt Purchases of public sector net debt (-) External and foreign currency finance of public sector Public sector contribution M4 lending External and foreign currency flows Total external counterparts Net non-deposit £ liabilities (-) M4 Gilts Sterling treasury bills Tax instruments National savings Other Total Local Government debt (-) Public corporation debt (-) Other public sector purchases of M4 private sector debt (+) Total Non-residents' purchases of gilts (-) Non residents' purchases of £TBs (-) Other Total Loans of which reverse repos Investments Total Net sterling deposits from non- residents (-) Net foreign currency liabilities (-) Total Changes (SA) VQRR VTMB VQAT VQRO VWVL VRIG VRPC VRHV AUZJ Changes (NSA) ABEN AVBY VQLK VQLG VQLJ VQLI RCMD VQLL VQLO VQLQ AVBV VQLN VQCZ VRME VQOC VQDC VWZL Z5MB VWDP VYAP BF37 B69P B72P AVBW VQLP VWZV AUZI -
A4.1 - Sectoral analysis of M4
View full table A4.1 Holdings of M4 by Other financial corporations Private non- financial corporations Household sector Amounts outstanding (SA) VVHF VVHL VVHR Amounts outstanding (NSA) VVHX VVID VVIJ Changes (SA) VVHG VVHM VVHS Changes (NSA) VVHY VVIE VVIK 1 month growth rates (SA) VVHH VVHN VVHT 1 month growth rates (NSA) VVHZ VVIF VVIL 12 month growth rates (SA) VVHK VVHQ VVHW 12 month growth rates (NSA) VVIC VVII VVIO -
A4.3 - Sectoral analysis of M4 lending
View full table A4.3 M4 lending to Other financial corporations Private non-financial corporations Household sector Individuals Unincorporated business and non- profit institutions Total household sector Loans Securities Total Secured on dwellings Consumer credit Credit card Other Total Loans exc. Overdrafts Overdrafts Total Amounts outstanding (SA) BC56 Z5MO Z5MS BC57 BC55 BC53 Z5G7 Z5G6 BC54 BC46 BC58 BC44 Amounts outstanding (NSA) B8Y9 Z5MQ VWPW B9Y2 B8DF B8DD Z5H2 Z5AW B8DE B8DG B6NN B9Y3 Changes (SA) VWNL Z5MP VWTI VWNQ VWAH VVWA Z5G9 Z5G8 VWGY VWAN B7F3 VWNV Changes (NSA) B8Y7 Z5MR VWPG BD68 B8DJ B8DH Z5H3 Z5AY B8DI B3ZH B6NU B8Y8 1 month growth rates (SA) VWNM Z5MW Z5TT VWNR VWAI VWBA Z5GB Z5GA VWAU VWAO B7F4 VWNW 1 month growth rates (NSA) B3Z5 Z5N2 Z5TX B3Z6 B3VJ B3TJ Z5G2 Z5B2 B3UJ B3WJ B6NZ B3Z7 12 month growth rates (SA) VWNP Z5MZ Z5TW VWNU VWAL VWBD Z5GH Z5GG VWAX VWAR B7F7 VWNZ 12 month growth rates (NSA) B9Y7 Z5TS Z5U2 B9Y8 B7DN B7DL Z5G5 Z5B5 B7DM B7DO B7DG B9Y9 -
A5.2 - Total lending to individuals excluding student loans
View full table A5.2 MFIs Other lenders Total of which: secured on dwellings consumer credit Amounts outstanding (SA) B3RE BZ2M BZ2A VTXK BI2O Amounts outstanding (NSA) B3TB BZ2N BZ2B VTXH BI2P Changes (SA) B3GC BZ2O BZ2C VTVJ B3PS Changes (NSA) B3QE BZ2P BZ2D VTVG B3PT 1 month growth rates (SA) BZ2E VTYF B3PW 1 month growth rates (NSA) BZ2F VTYD B3PX 12 month growth rates (SA) BZ2K VTYI B4TC 12 month growth rates (NSA) BZ2L VTYE B4TD -
A5.3 - Lending secured on dwellings
View full table A5.3 MFIs Other specialist lenders Other Total of which: Number of mortgage lending transactions House purchase Remortgaging Other Total House purchase Remortgaging Other Total House purchase Remortgaging Other MFIs Other specialist lenders Total Gross lending (SA) B3GF VUFK VUFL VTVC Gross lending (NSA) Z8WB Z8WF Z8WJ B3VB Z8WC Z8WG Z8WK AUAT VTUY VTUZ Z8W5 Z8W6 Z8W7 Z8WU Z8WV Z8WW Net changes (SA) B3SA VUFM VUFN VTVJ Net changes (NSA) B3GD RRBO VTVF VTVG Amounts outstanding (SA) B3SE VUFO VUFP VTXK Amounts outstanding (NSA) B3TA THFA VTXG VTXH -
A5.4 - Approvals for lending secured on dwellings
View full table A5.4 Total MFIs Other specialist lenders House purchase Remortgaging Other Total House purchase Remortgaging Other Total House purchase Remortgaging Other Total Number of approvals (SA) VTVX B4B3 B4B4 B3C8 B3VA B3SI B3TI Z3UP VYVA B23A B26A Z3UR Number of approvals (NSA) VTVU B3C5 B3C6 B3C7 B3GG B3GI B3GH B3GJ VTVT VYVK VYVL VYVM Value of approvals (SA) B4B5 B4B6 B4B7 VTVQ B3VI B3XI B3YI B3HF B9H2 B9H5 B9H8 VYUZ Value of approvals (NSA) B3C2 B3C3 B3C4 VTVN B3HD B3HG B3HE B3XA VYVH VYVI VYVJ VTVM -
A5.5 - Repayments of lending to individuals
View full table A5.5 MFIs Other lenders Total of which: Regular repayments Repayments on redemption Other lump sum Total Regular repayments Repayments on redemption Other lump sum Total Regular repayments Repayments on redemption Other lump sum Total Credit card Other Secured lending (SA) B3HB B3RB B3SB B3YA B3YH B86M B3XH B87K B85L B85M B86K B86L Secured lending (NSA) B3QB B3HA B3GK B3HC BD97 BD98 BD99 BE22 B4C3 B4C4 B4C5 B4C6 Consumer credit (NSA) Z2LZ Z2M3 Z2M4 Z2M5 Z2M6 -
A5.6 - Consumer credit excluding student loans
View full table A5.6 MFIs Other consumer credit lenders Total of which: Credit card Other Gross lending (SA) B3RA B4TI B3PU VZQO B4TW Gross lending (NSA) B3HJ B4TJ B3PV VZQH B4TX Net changes (SA) VVYF B4TG B3PS VZQX B4TU Net changes ( NSA) VVXP B4TH B3PT VZQS B4TV Amounts outstanding (SA) VVYI B4TE BI2O VZRJ B4TS Amounts outstanding (NSA) VVXS B4TF BI2P VZRE B4TT -
A6.1 - Sectoral deposits and Divisia money
View full table A6.1 Notes and coin Non interest-bearing deposits Interest-bearing sight deposits Interest-bearing time deposits Household sector cash ISA deposits Household sector Private non- financial corporations Household sector Private non- financial corporations Household sector Private non- financial corporations Corporate sector Household sector Private non- financial corporations Corporate sector Amounts outstanding (SA) VRWI VRVS BF88 BF92 Z3TH Z3TL Z3TN Z3TR B4F6 Amounts outstanding (NSA) VYWO B76C B5S9 B6S3 Z3TT Z3TX Z3TZ Z3U5 B8S4 Changes (SA) VSNR VRZR BF93 BF95 Z3TI Z3TM Z3TO Z3TS B4F8 Changes (NSA) VSKZ VSIX B8S5 B8S7 Z3TU Z3TY Z3U2 Z3U6 B9T6 Rates of return (NSA) Z3U7 Z3U8 Z3U9 Z3UA B6F2 Household sector Divisia Private non-financial corporations Divisia 1 month 12 month Total 1 month 12 month Total Divisia indices (SA) VTSS VVSU Divisia growth rates (SA) B6F7 VTSU B6F9 VVSY -
A7.1 - Liquid assets outside M4
View full table A7.1 M4 private sector's deposits etc M4 private sector's public sector debt Non-residents' sterling deposits External and foreign currency finance of public sector Other assets etc Sterling deposits at Channel Islands and Isle of Man institutions Sterling deposits at banks in the BIS area Foreign currency deposits at UK MFIs Foreign currency deposits at Channel Islands and Isle of Man institutions Foreign currency deposits at banks in the BIS area Gilts Sterling treasury bills National savings Certificate of tax deposits Other central Government debt LG debt PC debt Other public sector net purchases of debt from M4PS (-) Total At UK MFIs At Channel Islands and Isle of Man institutions At banks in the BIS area Non-residents' net purchase of gifts Non-residents' net purchases of £TBs Other (-) Total Sterling commercial paper Sterling programme bonds Gilts maturing within 1 year Gilts maturing in 1 to 5 years Sterling unused credit facilities granted by UK MFIs Amounts outstanding (NSA) VWNI VSTX VYAY VWNJ VSTY VSUL VYBB VWNK VSUC VSUF VSUG VSUT Changes (NSA) VWNF VSTF VYAB VWNG VSTG VRDY AUZK VSTS AGLW B9P2 VRQT B9P3 B9P4 B9P5 VYAE VWNH VSTK B9P6 B9P7 B9P8 B9P9 VSTU B2F5 VSTM VSTN VSUS 12 month growth rates (NSA) VWSB VSUV VSUW VWSC VSUY VSVM VUXF VWSD VSVB VVFQ VVFR VSVO -
A8.1 - Monetary financial institutions' all currency loans to UK non-financial businesses, by size of business
View full table A8.1 Small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) Large businesses Total non- financial businesses Industrial analysis Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Accommodation and food service activities Transport, storage and communication Real estate, professional services and support activities Public administration and defence Education Human health and social work Recreational, personal and community service activities of which development of buildings Total of which buying, selling and renting of own or leased estate of which real estate and related activities on a fee or a contract basis Total Gross lending (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) Z8Y2 Z8Y3 Z8Y4 ZK4X ZK52 ZK55 ZK58 ZK5E ZK5B ZK5H ZK5K ZK5N ZK5T ZK5W ZK5Q ZK5Z ZK64 ZK67 ZK6A Repayments (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) Z8Y5 Z8Y6 Z8Y7 ZK3J ZK3M ZK3P ZK3S ZK3Y ZK3V ZK43 ZK46 ZK49 ZK4F ZK4I ZK4C ZK4L ZK4O ZK4R ZK4U Net loans (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) Z8Y8 Z8Y9 Z8YA Changes in overdrafts (SA) Z8YK Z8YL Z8YM ZK7R ZK7Y ZK86 ZK8C ZK8O ZK8I ZK8U ZK92 ZK98 ZK9K ZK9Q ZK9E ZK9W ZKA4 ZKB2 ZKB8 Net loans (including overdrafts) (NSA) Z8YN Z8YO Z8YP ZKC6 ZKC9 ZKCN ZKD3 ZKD9 ZKD6 ZKE4 ZKE7 ZKER ZKF4 ZKF7 ZKEU ZKG2 ZKG5 ZKG8 ZKGG Loan amounts outstanding (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) Z8YB Z8YC Z8YD ZKM3 ZKM6 ZKM9 ZKMP ZKN7 ZKN4 ZKO2 ZKO5 ZKO8 ZKP4 ZKP7 ZKOE ZKQ2 ZKQ5 ZKQ8 ZKR3 Overdraft amounts outstanding (NSA) Z8YE Z8YF Z8YG ZKH4 ZKH7 ZKI2 ZKI5 ZKIS ZKI8 ZKJ4 ZKJ7 ZKK2 ZKK8 ZKL3 ZKK5 ZKL6 ZKL9 ZKLK ZKLN Loan amounts outstanding (total) (NSA) Z8YH Z8YI Z8YJ ZKR6 ZKR9 ZKS4 ZKS7 ZKT5 ZKT2 ZKT8 ZKU3 ZKU6 ZKV4 ZKV7 ZKU9 ZKW2 ZKW5 ZKW8 ZKX3 Loans (excluding overdrafts) 3 month annualised growth rate (NSA) Z8Z8 Z8Z9 Z8ZA Total Loans 3 month annualised growth rate (NSA) Z8YQ Z8YR Z8YS Loans (excluding overdrafts) 12 month growth rate (NSA) Z8ZB Z8ZC Z8ZD Total Loans 12 month growth rate (NSA) Z8YT Z8YU Z8YV -
A8.1.1 - Monetary financial institutions' all currency loans to UK small and medium-sized enterprises, by industry
View full table A8.1.1 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Accommodation and food service activities Transport, storage and communication Real estate, professional services and support activities Public administration and defence Education Human health and social work Recreational, personal and community service activities Total small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) of which development of buildings Total of which buying, selling and renting of own or leased real estate of which real estate and related activities on a fee or a contract basis Total Gross lending (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZK4Y ZK53 ZK56 ZK59 ZK5F ZK5C ZK5I ZK5L ZK5O ZK5U ZK5X ZK5R ZK62 ZK65 ZK68 ZK6B Z8Y2 Repayments (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZK3K ZK3N ZK3Q ZK3T ZK3Z ZK3W ZK44 ZK47 ZK4A ZK4G ZK4J ZK4D ZK4M ZK4P ZK4S ZK4V Z8Y5 Changes in overdrafts (NSA) ZK7U ZK82 ZK88 ZK8E ZK8Q ZK8K ZK8W ZK94 ZK9A ZK9M ZK9S ZK9G ZK9Y ZKA6 ZKB4 ZKC2 Z8YK Net loans (including overdrafts) (NSA) ZKC7 ZKCL ZKCX ZKD4 ZKE2 ZKD7 ZKE5 ZKE8 ZKES ZKF5 ZKF8 ZKF2 ZKG3 ZKG6 ZKG9 ZKH2 Z8YN Loan amounts outstanding (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZKM4 ZKM7 ZKME ZKN2 ZKN8 ZKN5 ZKO3 ZKO6 ZKO9 ZKP5 ZKP8 ZKP2 ZKQ3 ZKQ6 ZKQ9 ZKR4 Z8YB Overdraft amounts outstanding (NSA) ZKH5 ZKH8 ZKI3 ZKI6 ZKJ2 ZKI9 ZKJ5 ZKJ8 ZKK3 ZKK9 ZKL4 ZKK6 ZKL7 ZKLI ZKLL ZKLO Z8YE Loan amounts outstanding (total) (NSA) ZKR7 ZKS2 ZKS5 ZKS8 ZKT6 ZKT3 ZKT9 ZKU4 ZKU7 ZKV5 ZKV8 ZKV2 ZKW3 ZKW6 ZKW9 ZKX4 Z8YH -
A8.1.2 - Monetary financial institutions' all currency loans to UK large businesses, by industry
View full table A8.1.2 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Accommodation and food service activities Transport, storage and communication Real estate, professional services and support activities Public administration and defence Education Human health and social work Recreational, personal and community service activities Total large businesses of which development of buildings Total of which buying, selling and renting own or leased estate of which real estate and related activities on a fee or contract basis Total Gross lending (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZK4Z ZK54 ZK57 ZK5A ZK5G ZK5D ZK5J ZK5M ZK5P ZK5V ZK5Y ZK5S ZK63 ZK66 ZK69 ZK6C Z8Y3 Repayments (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZK3L ZK3O ZK3R ZK3U ZK42 ZK3X ZK45 ZK48 ZK4B ZK4H ZK4K ZK4E ZK4N ZK4Q ZK4T ZK4W Z8Y6 Changes in overdrafts (NSA) ZK7W ZK84 ZK8A ZK8G ZK8S ZK8M ZK8Y ZK96 ZK9C ZK9O ZK9U ZK9I ZKA2 ZKA8 ZKB6 ZKC4 Z8YL Net loans (total) (including overdrafts) (NSA) ZKC8 ZKCM ZKD2 ZKD5 ZKE3 ZKD8 ZKE6 ZKE9 ZKET ZKF6 ZKF9 ZKF3 ZKG4 ZKG7 ZKGF ZKH3 Z8YO Stock of loans, amounts outstanding (excluding overdrafts) (NSA) ZKM5 ZKM8 ZKMF ZKN3 ZKN9 ZKN6 ZKO4 ZKO7 ZKOD ZKP6 ZKP9 ZKP3 ZKQ4 ZKQ7 ZKR2 ZKR5 Z8YC Stock of overdrafts, amounts outstanding (NSA) ZKH6 ZKH9 ZKI4 ZKI7 ZKJ3 ZKIR ZKJ6 ZKJ9 ZKK4 ZKL2 ZKL5 ZKK7 ZKL8 ZKLJ ZKLM ZKM2 Z8YF Stock of loans (total) amounts outstanding (NSA) ZKR8 ZKS3 ZKS6 ZKS9 ZKT7 ZKT4 ZKU2 ZKU5 ZKU8 ZKV6 ZKV9 ZKV3 ZKW4 ZKW7 ZKX2 ZKX5 Z8YI -
B1.1.2 - Bank of England Weekly Report
View full table B1.1.2 Short-term open market operations Long-term operations Reserve balances Notes in circulation Foreign currency public securities issued Sterling denominated bond holdings Loan to asset purchase facility Foreign currency reserve assets fine-tuning one-week other maturity within- maintenance period Total indexed long- term repo contingent term repo facility Total Liabilities amounts outstanding (NSA) B58A B9R8 BV79 B9R6 B56A B55A B59A Assets amounts outstanding (NSA) B68A B67A BL59 B66A Z4TJ Z4TK B69A Z4TL Z4TM Z4TN -
B1.1.3 - Bank of England consolidated balance sheet
View full table B1.1.3 Short- term open market operations Long-term operations Reserve balances Notes in circulation Cash ratio deposits Other sterling liabilities Capital and reserves (equity) Foreign currency public securities issued Other foreign currency liabilities Sterling denominated bond holdings Loan to asset purchase facility Ways and means advance to the National loans fund Other sterling assets Foreign currency reserve assets Other foreign currency assets Total liabilities Total assets Fine-tuning One-week Other maturity within- maintenance period Total indexed long term repo contingent term repo facility Total Amounts outstanding of liabilities (NSA) B58A B9R8 BV79 B9R6 B56A B55A B62A Z6MO Z6MS B59A Z6MT B75A Amounts outstanding of assets (NSA) B68A B67A BL59 B66A Z4TJ Z4TK B69A Z4TL Z4TM B72A Z6MW Z4TN Z6MX B75A -
B1.4 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet
View full table B1.4 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LM B3GL B8ZC B3MM B3NM B3OM B3HL B8ZE B3PM B3QM B3RM B3SM B3TM B3IL B8ZA B3UM B3VM B3WM B3XM B2TL B6OI B2TM B3YM B3ZM B3GN B3HN B3IN B3JN B3KN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (including euro) (NSA) B3JL B8ZM B2UP B2UV B3NN B3KQ B3KL B8ZK B3PN B3QN B3RN B2TP B6OK B2TQ B3SN B3TN B3UN B3VN B3WN B3XN B3YN B3ZN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total euro deposits Items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of euro liabilities (NSA) B3LL B8ZU B3GO B3HO B3IO B3HR B3ML B8ZS B3KO B3LO B3MO B2TT B6OM B2TU B3NO B3OO B3PO B3QO B3RO B3SO B3TO Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sale and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non- residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UO B3VO B3WO B3NL B8ZI B3OL B3PL B3XO B3QL B3YO B3ZO B3GP B3HP B3RL B3IP B3JP B3SL B8ZG B3KP B3LP B3MP B2UK B3OP B3PP B3QP B3RP B3TL B3SP B3TP B3UP B3VP B3WP B3XP Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency assets Total assets Holdings of own sterling acceptances Holdings of own foreign currency acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (including euro) (NSA) B3UL B8ZQ B3VL B2UN B3ZP B2UH B3WL B8ZO B3HQ B3IQ B3JQ B3KQ B3LQ B3MQ B3NQ B3XL B3OQ B3PQ B3QQ B3RQ B3SQ B3TQ B3UQ B3IM B3JM Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts available Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YL B8ZY B3ZL B3VQ B3WQ B3XQ B3GM B8ZW B3YQ B3ZQ B3GR B3HR B3IR B3JR B3KR B3HM B3HM B3MR B3NR B3OR B3PR B3QR B3KM Notes outstanding & cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and including 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Changes in sterling liabilities (NSA) B4IJ B4GA B8ZD B4CF B4BH B4DD B4HA B8ZF B4DF B4CH B4FH B4DH B4ED B4IA B8ZB B4EF B4EH B4FD B4BK B2SU B2SU B2TK B4EJ B4FJ B4AK B4GJ B4CJ B4DJ B4JJ Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Changes in foreign currency liabilities (including euro) (NSA) B4GB B8ZN B2VP B2VV B2VJ B4HM B4HB B8ZL B4GG B4GI B4HE B2TN B6OJ B2TO B4CM B4DM B4GM B4EM B4AM B4BM B4FM B4JM Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total euro deposits Items in transit and suspense Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Changes in euro liabilities (NSA) B4CB B8ZV B4JF B4AI B4BE B4EL B4DB B8ZT B4BG B4BI B4CE B2TR B6OL B2TS B4JK B4AL B4DL B4BL B4HK B4IK B4CL Notes and coins With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sale and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK MFIs commercial paper Non- residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Change in sterling assets (NSA) B4II B3YR B3ZR B4DC B4DC B4JB B4BC B4BD B4EC B4FF B3TR B4GD B4BA B4IB B4HG B4IC B4FA B8ZH B4BF B4AH B4CD B2VK B2VQ B4HC B4CA B4IE B4CC B4IG B4JC B4BJ B4HI B4JI B4AJ Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency assets Total assets Holdings of own sterling acceptances Holdings of own foreign currency acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIS' CD's etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Changes in foreign currency assets (including euro) (NSA) B4EB B8ZR B4AF B2VN B2VT B2VH B4FB B8ZP B4EG B4EI B4FE B4HM B4GL B4EA B4CG B4AG B4CI B4DE B4JL B4FL B4HL B4IL B4IM B3VR B3XR Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIS' CD's etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Changes in euro assets (NSA) B4JA B6OZ B4FC B4HF B4IH B4ID B4BB B8ZX B4IF B4JH B4JD B4EL B4DK B4DA B4GF B4GC B4HH B4HD B4GK B4CK B4EK B4EK B3WR -
B1.4.1.1 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - UK
View full table B1.4.1.1 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper Issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMUKIN B3GLUKIN B8ZCUKIN B3MMUKIN B3NMUKIN B3OMUKIN B3HLUKIN B8ZEUKIN B3PMUKIN B3QMUKIN B3RMUKIN B3SMUKIN B3TMUKIN B3ILUKIN B8ZAUKIN B3UMUKIN B3VMUKIN B3WMUKIN B3XMUKIN B2TLUKIN B6OIUKIN B2TMUKIN B3YMUKIN B3ZMUKIN B3GNUKIN B3HNUKIN B3INUKIN B3JNUKIN B3KNUKIN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (NSA) B3JLUKIN B8ZMUKIN B2UPUKIN B2UVUKIN B3NNUKIN B3KQUKIN B3KLUKIN B8ZKUKIN B3PNUKIN B3QNUKIN B3RNUKIN B2TPUKIN B6OKUKIN B2TQUKIN B3SNUKIN B3TNUKIN B3UNUKIN B3VNUKIN B3WNUKIN B3XNUKIN B3YNUKIN B3ZNUKIN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of euro liabilities (NSA) B3LLUKIN B8ZUUKIN B3GOUKIN B3HOUKIN B3IOUKIN B3HRUKIN B3MLUKIN B8ZSUKIN B3KOUKIN B3LOUKIN B3MOUKIN B2TTUKIN B6OMUKIN B2TUUKIN B3NOUKIN B3OOUKIN B3POUKIN B3QOUKIN B3ROUKIN B3SOUKIN B3TOUKIN Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sales and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Holdings of own sterling Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non-residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UOUKIN B3VOUKIN B3WOUKIN B3NLUKIN B8ZIUKIN B3OLUKIN B3PLUKIN B3XOUKIN B3QLUKIN B3YOUKIN B3ZOUKIN B3GPUKIN B3HPUKIN B3RLUKIN B3IPUKIN B3JPUKIN B3SLUKIN B8ZGUKIN B3KPUKIN B3LPUKIN B3MPUKIN B2UKUKIN B3OPUKIN B3PPUKIN B3QPUKIN B3RPUKIN B3TLUKIN B3SPUKIN B3TPUKIN B3UPUKIN B3VPUKIN B3WPUKIN B3XPUKIN B3IMUKIN Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency Total assets Holdings of own foreign currency UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (NSA) B3ULUKIN B8ZQUKIN B3VLUKIN B2UNUKIN B3ZPUKIN B2UHUKIN B3WLUKIN B8ZOUKIN B3HQUKIN B3IQUKIN B3JQUKIN B3KQUKIN B3LQUKIN B3MQUKIN B3NQUKIN B3XLUKIN B3OQUKIN B3PQUKIN B3QQUKIN B3RQUKIN B3SQUKIN B3TQUKIN B3UQUKIN B3JMUKIN Loans and advances Claims under sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YLUKIN B8ZYUKIN B3ZLUKIN B3VQUKIN B3WQUKIN B3XQUKIN B3GMUKIN B8ZWUKIN B3YQUKIN B3ZQUKIN B3GRUKIN B3HRUKIN B3IRUKIN B3JRUKIN B3KRUKIN B3HMUKIN B3LRUKIN B3MRUKIN B3NRUKIN B3ORUKIN B3PRUKIN B3QRUKIN B3KMUKIN -
B1.4.1.2 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - Other EU
View full table B1.4.1.2 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper Issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMOTEU B3GLOTEU B8ZCOTEU B3MMOTEU B3NMOTEU B3OMOTEU B3HLOTEU B8ZEOTEU B3PMOTEU B3QMOTEU B3RMOTEU B3SMOTEU B3TMOTEU B3ILOTEU B8ZAOTEU B3UMOTEU B3VMOTEU B3WMOTEU B3XMOTEU B2TLOTEU B6OIOTEU B2TMOTEU B3YMOTEU B3ZMOTEU B3GNOTEU B3HNOTEU B3INOTEU B3JNOTEU B3KNOTEU Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total B3KQOTEU B3KLOTEU B8ZKOTEU B3PNOTEU B3QNOTEU B3RNOTEU B2TPOTEU B6OKOTEU B2TQOTEU B3SNOTEU B3TNOTEU B3UNOTEU B3VNOTEU B3WNOTEU B3XNOTEU B3YNOTEU B3ZNOTEU Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Euro liabilities (NSA) B3LLOTEU B8ZUOTEU B3GOOTEU B3HOOTEU B3IOOTEU B3HROTEU B3MLOTEU B8ZSOTEU B3KOOTEU B3LOOTEU B3MOOTEU B2TTOTEU B6OMOTEU B2TUOTEU B3NOOTEU B3OOOTEU B3POOTEU B3QOOTEU B3ROOTEU B3SOOTEU B3TOOTEU Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sales and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Holdings of own sterling Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non-residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Sterling assets (NSA) B3UOOTEU B3VOOTEU B3WOOTEU B3NLOTEU B8ZIOTEU B3OLOTEU B3PLOTEU B3XOOTEU B3QLOTEU B3YOOTEU B3ZOOTEU B3GPOTEU B3HPOTEU B3RLOTEU B3IPOTEU B3JPOTEU B3SLOTEU B8ZGOTEU B3KPOTEU B3LPOTEU B3MPOTEU B2UKOTEU B3OPOTEU B3PPOTEU B3QPOTEU B3RPOTEU B3TLOTEU B3SPOTEU B3TPOTEU B3UPOTEU B3VPOTEU B3WPOTEU B3XPOTEU B3JMOTEU Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency Total assets Holdings of own foreign currency UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Foreign currency assets (NSA) B3ULOTEU B8ZQOTEU B3VLOTEU B2UNOTEU B3ZPOTEU B2UHOTEU B3WLOTEU B8ZOOTEU B3HQOTEU B3IQOTEU B3JQOTEU B3KQOTEU B3LQOTEU B3MQOTEU B3NQOTEU B3XLOTEU B3OQOTEU B3PQOTEU B3QQOTEU B3RQOTEU B3SQOTEU B3TQOTEU B3UQOTEU B3IMOTEU Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Euro assets (NSA) B3YLOTEU B8ZYOTEU B3ZLOTEU B3VQOTEU B3WQOTEU B3XQOTEU B3GMOTEU B8ZWOTEU B3YQOTEU B3ZQOTEU B3GROTEU B3HROTEU B3IROTEU B3JROTEU B3KROTEU B3HMOTEU B3LROTEU B3MROTEU B3NROTEU B3OROTEU B3PROTEU B3QROTEU B3KMOTEU -
B1.4.1.3 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - US
View full table B1.4.1.3 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs Of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMUSAN B3GLUSAN B8ZCUSAN B3MMUSAN B3NMUSAN B3OMUSAN B3HLUSAN B8ZEUSAN B3PMUSAN B3QMUSAN B3RMUSAN B3SMUSAN B3TMUSAN B3ILUSAN B8ZAUSAN B3UMUSAN B3VMUSAN B3WMUSAN B3XMUSAN B2TLUSAN B6OIUSAN B2TMUSAN B3YMUSAN B3ZMUSAN B3GNUSAN B3HNUSAN B3INUSAN B3JNUSAN B3KNUSAN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intergroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (including euro) (NSA) B3JLUSAN B8ZMUSAN B2UPUSAN B2UVUSAN B3NNUSAN B3KQUSAN B3KLUSAN B8ZKUSAN B3PNUSAN B3QNUSAN B3RNUSAN B2TPUSAN B6OKUSAN B2TQUSAN B3SNUSAN B3TNUSAN B3UNUSAN B3VNUSAN B3WNUSAN B3XNUSAN B3YNUSAN B3ZNUSAN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intergroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of Euro liabilities (NSA) B3LLUSAN B8ZUUSAN B3GOUSAN B3HOUSAN B3IOUSAN B3HRUSAN B3MLUSAN B8ZSUSAN B3KOUSAN B3LOUSAN B3MOUSAN B2TTUSAN B6OMUSAN B2TUUSAN B3NOUSAN B3OOUSAN B3POUSAN B3QOUSAN B3ROUSAN B3SOUSAN B3TOUSAN Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sale and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non- residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UOUSAN B3VOUSAN B3WOUSAN B3NLUSAN B8ZIUSAN B3OLUSAN B3PLUSAN B3XOUSAN B3QLUSAN B3YOUSAN B3ZOUSAN B3GPUSAN B3HPUSAN B3RLUSAN B3IPUSAN B3JPUSAN B3SLUSAN B8ZGUSAN B3KPUSAN B3LPUSAN B3MPUSAN B2UKUSAN B3OPUSAN B3PPUSAN B3QPUSAN B3RPUSAN B3TLUSAN B3SPUSAN B3TPUSAN B3UPUSAN B3VPUSAN B3WPUSAN B3XPUSAN Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency assets Total assets Holdings of own sterling acceptances Holdings of own foreign currency acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (including euro) (NSA) B3ULUSAN B8ZQUSAN B3VLUSAN B2UNUSAN B3ZPUSAN B2UHUSAN B3WLUSAN B8ZOUSAN B3HQUSAN B3IQUSAN B3JQUSAN B3KQUSAN B3LQUSAN B3MQUSAN B3NQUSAN B3XLUSAN B3OQUSAN B3PQUSAN B3QQUSAN B3RQUSAN B3SQUSAN B3TQUSAN B3UQUSAN B3IMUSAN B3JMUSAN Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YLUSAN B8ZYUSAN B3ZLUSAN B3VQUSAN B3WQUSAN B3XQUSAN B3GMUSAN B8ZWUSAN B3YQUSAN B3ZQUSAN B3GRUSAN B3HRUSAN B3IRUSAN B3JRUSAN B3KRUSAN B3HMUSAN B3LRUSAN B3MRUSAN B3NRUSAN B3ORUSAN B3PRUSAN B3QRUSAN B3KMUSAN -
B1.4.1.4 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - Japan
View full table B1.4.1.4 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper Issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMJAPN B3GLJAPN B8ZCJAPN B3MMJAPN B3NMJAPN B3OMJAPN B3HLJAPN B8ZEJAPN B3PMJAPN B3QMJAPN B3RMJAPN B3SMJAPN B3TMJAPN B3ILJAPN B8ZAJAPN B3UMJAPN B3VMJAPN B3WMJAPN B3XMJAPN B2TLJAPN B6OIJAPN B2TMJAPN B3YMJAPN B3ZMJAPN B3GNJAPN B3HNJAPN B3INJAPN B3JNJAPN B3KNJAPN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (NSA) B3JLJAPN B8ZMJAPN B2UPJAPN B2UVJAPN B3NNJAPN B3KQJAPN B3KLJAPN B8ZKJAPN B3PNJAPN B3QNJAPN B3RNJAPN B2TPJAPN B6OKJAPN B2TQJAPN B3SNJAPN B3TNJAPN B3UNJAPN B3VNJAPN B3WNJAPN B3XNJAPN B3YNJAPN B3ZNJAPN Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of euro liabilities (NSA) B3LLJAPN B8ZUJAPN B3GOJAPN B3HOJAPN B3IOJAPN B3HRJAPN B3MLJAPN B8ZSJAPN B3KOJAPN B3LOJAPN B3MOJAPN B2TTJAPN B6OMJAPN B2TUJAPN B3NOJAPN B3OOJAPN B3POJAPN B3QOJAPN B3ROJAPN B3SOJAPN B3TOJAPN Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sales and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Holdings of own sterling Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non-residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UOJAPN B3VOJAPN B3WOJAPN B3NLJAPN B8ZIJAPN B3OLJAPN B3PLJAPN B3XOJAPN B3QLJAPN B3YOJAPN B3ZOJAPN B3GPJAPN B3HPJAPN B3RLJAPN B3IPJAPN B3JPJAPN B3SLJAPN B8ZGJAPN B3KPJAPN B3LPJAPN B3MPJAPN B2UKJAPN B3OPJAPN B3PPJAPN B3QPJAPN B3RPJAPN B3TLJAPN B3SPJAPN B3TPJAPN B3UPJAPN B3VPJAPN B3WPJAPN B3XPJAPN B3JMJAPN Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency Total assets Holdings of own foreign currency UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (NSA) B3ULJAPN B8ZQJAPN B3VLJAPN B2UNJAPN B3ZPJAPN B2UHJAPN B3WLJAPN B8ZOJAPN B3HQJAPN B3IQJAPN B3JQJAPN B3KQJAPN B3LQJAPN B3MQJAPN B3NQJAPN B3XLJAPN B3OQJAPN B3PQJAPN B3QQJAPN B3RQJAPN B3SQJAPN B3TQJAPN B3UQJAPN B3IMJAPN Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YLJAPN B8ZYJAPN B3ZLJAPN B3VQJAPN B3WQJAPN B3XQJAPN B3GMJAPN B8ZWJAPN B3YQJAPN B3ZQJAPN B3GRJAPN B3HRJAPN B3IRJAPN B3JRJAPN B3KRJAPN B3HMJAPN B3LRJAPN B3MRJAPN B3NRJAPN B3ORJAPN B3PRJAPN B3QRJAPN B3KMJAPN -
B1.4.1.5 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - Other Developed Countries
View full table B1.4.1.5 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper Issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMODEV B3GLODEV B8ZCODEV B3MMODEV B3NMODEV B3OMODEV B3HLODEV B8ZEODEV B3PMODEV B3QMODEV B3RMODEV B3SMODEV B3TMODEV B3ILODEV B8ZAODEV B3UMODEV B3VMODEV B3WMODEV B3XMODEV B2TLODEV B6OIODEV B2TMODEV B3YMODEV B3ZMODEV B3GNODEV B3HNODEV B3INODEV B3JNODEV B3KNODEV Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (NSA) B3JLODEV B8ZMODEV B2UPODEV B2UVODEV B3NNODEV B3KQODEV B3KLODEV B8ZKODEV B3PNODEV B3QNODEV B3RNODEV B2TPODEV B6OKODEV B2TQODEV B3SNODEV B3TNODEV B3UNODEV B3VNODEV B3WNODEV B3XNODEV B3YNODEV B3ZNODEV Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper Issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents CDs and Commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of euro liabilities (NSA) B3LLODEV B8ZUODEV B3GOODEV B3HOODEV B3IOODEV B3HRODEV B3MLODEV B8ZSODEV B3KOODEV B3LOODEV B3MOODEV B2TTODEV B6OMODEV B2TUODEV B3NOODEV B3OOODEV B3POODEV B3QOODEV B3ROODEV B3SOODEV B3TOODEV Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sales and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total sterling assets Cash ratio deposits Other UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs UK MFIs commercial paper Non-residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UOODEV B3VOODEV B3WOODEV B3NLODEV B8ZIODEV B3OLODEV B3PLODEV B3XOODEV B3QLODEV B3YOODEV B3ZOODEV B3GPODEV B3HPODEV B3RLODEV B3IPODEV B3JPODEV B3SLODEV B8ZGODEV B3KPODEV B3LPODEV B3MPODEV B2UKODEV B3OPODEV B3PPODEV B3QPODEV B3RPODEV B3TLODEV B3SPODEV B3TPODEV B3UPODEV B3VPODEV B3WPODEV B3XPODEV Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total foreign currency Total assets Holdings of own foreign currency Holdings of sterling acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (NSA) B3ULODEV B8ZQODEV B3VLODEV B2UNODEV B3ZPODEV B2UHODEV B3WLODEV B8ZOODEV B3HQODEV B3IQODEV B3JQODEV B3KQODEV B3LQODEV B3MQODEV B3NQODEV B3XLODEV B3OQODEV B3PQODEV B3QQODEV B3RQODEV B3SQODEV B3TQODEV B3UQODEV B3JMODEV B3IMODEV Loans and advances Claims under sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts receivable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs' CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non-residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public Other UK residents Non-residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non-residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YLODEV B8ZYODEV B3ZLODEV B3VQODEV B3WQODEV B3XQODEV B3GMODEV B8ZWODEV B3YQODEV B3ZQODEV B3GRODEV B3HRODEV B3IRODEV B3JRODEV B3KRODEV B3HMODEV B3LRODEV B3MRODEV B3NRODEV B3ORODEV B3PRODEV B3QRODEV B3KMODEV -
B1.4.1.6 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) balance sheet: group detail - other nationalities
View full table B1.4.1.6 Notes outstanding and cash loaded cards Sight deposits Time deposits Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted CDs and other paper issued Total sterling deposits Sterling items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Sterling capital and other internal funds Total sterling liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroups UK public sector Other UK residents of which SAYE of which cash ISAs Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of sterling liabilities (NSA) B3LMOTHE B3GLOTHE B8ZCOTHE B3MMOTHE B3NMOTHE B3OMOTHE B3HLOTHE B8ZEOTHE B3PMOTHE B3QMOTHE B3RMOTHE B3SMOTHE B3TMOTHE B3ILOTHE B8ZAOTHE B3UMOTHE B3VMOTHE B3WMOTHE B3XMOTHE B2TLOTHE B6OIOTHE B2TMOTHE B3YMOTHE B3ZMOTHE B3GNOTHE B3HNOTHE B3INOTHE B3JNOTHE B3KNOTHE Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total foreign currency deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total foreign currency liabilities Total liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of foreign currency liabilities (including euro) (NSA) B3JLOTHE B8ZMOTHE B2UPOTHE B2UVOTHE B3NNOTHE B3KQOTHE B3KLOTHE B8ZKOTHE B3PNOTHE B3QNOTHE B3RNOTHE B2TPOTHE B6OKOTHE B2TQOTHE B3SNOTHE B3TNOTHE B3UNOTHE B3VNOTHE B3WNOTHE B3XNOTHE B3YNOTHE B3ZNOTHE Sight and time deposits Acceptances granted Sale and repurchase agreements CDs and other paper issued Total euro deposits Items in suspense and transmission Net derivatives Accrued amounts payable Capital and other internal funds Total euro liabilities MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents CDs and commercial paper Bonds with maturity of up to and incl. 5 years Bonds with maturity of greater than 5 years Total Amounts outstanding of euro liabilities, (NSA) B3LLOTHE B8ZUOTHE B3GOOTHE B3HOOTHE B3IOOTHE B3HROTHE B3MLOTHE B8ZSOTHE B3KOOTHE B3LOOTHE B3MOOTHE B2TTOTHE B6OMOTHE B2TUOTHE B3NOOTHE B3OOOTHE B3POOTHE B3QOOTHE B3ROOTHE B3SOOTHE B3TOOTHE Notes coin With UK central bank Loans Acceptances granted Bills Sale and repurchase agreements Advances Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts recievable Other assets Total sterling assets Cahs ratio deposits Other MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents Treasury bills UK MFIs bills Other UK residents Non- residents MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK public sector Other Uk residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of sterling assets (NSA) B3UOOTHE B3VOOTHE B3WOOTHE B3NLOTHE B8ZIOTHE B3OLOTHE B3PLOTHE B3XOOTHE B3QLOTHE B3YOOTHE B3ZOOTHE B3GPOTHE B3HPOTHE B3RLOTHE B3IPOTHE B3JPOTHE B3SLOTHE B8ZGOTHE B3KPOTHE B3LPOTHE B3MPOTHE B2UKOTHE B3OPOTHE B3PPOTHE B3QPOTHE B3RPOTHE B3TLOTHE B3SPOTHE B3TPOTHE B3UPOTHE B3VPOTHE B3WPOTHE B3XPOTHE Loans and advances Sale and purchase agreements Acceptances granted Bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts recievable Other assets Total foreign currency assets Total assets Holdings of own sterling acceptances Holdings of own foreign currency acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of foreign currency assets (inlcuding euro) (NSA) B3ULOTHE B8ZQOTHE B3VLOTHE B2UNOTHE B3ZPOTHE B2UHOTHE B3WLOTHE B8ZOOTHE B3HQOTHE B3IQOTHE B3JQOTHE B3KQOTHE B3LQOTHE B3MQOTHE B3NQOTHE B3XLOTHE B3OQOTHE B3PQOTHE B3QQOTHE B3RQOTHE B3SQOTHE B3TQOTHE B3UQOTHE B3IMOTHE B3JMOTHE Loans and advances Sale and repurchase agreements Acceptances granted Total bills Investments Items in suspense and collection Accrued amounts recievable Other assets Total euro assets Holdings of own euro acceptances UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK MFIs CDs etc. UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK MFIs of which intragroup banks UK public sector Other UK residents Non- residents UK government bonds Other UK public sector UK MFIs Other UK residents Non- residents Amounts outstanding of euro assets (NSA) B3YLOTHE B8ZYOTHE B3ZLOTHE B3VQOTHE B3WQOTHE B3XQOTHE B3GMOTHE B8ZWOTHE B3YQOTHE B3ZQOTHE B3GROTHE B3HROTHE B3IROTHE B3JROTHE B3KROTHE B3HMOTHE B3LROTHE B3MROTHE B3NROTHE B3OROTHE B3PROTHE B3QROTHE B3KMOTHE -
B1.5 - Monetary financial institutions' securitisation activity
View full table B1.5 Advances to other UK residents Advances to new residents Total UK resident Non- resident Total Holdings of securities issued by own SPV Total Other financial corporations Private non- financial corporations of which: housing associations Households Total of which: secured on dwellings Secured on dwellings Credit cards Other loans UK resident Non- resident Amounts outstanding of sterling securitised assets B8GD B8GG B7GO B7GT B7GR B7GU B5QI B6QC Amounts outstanding of foreign currency (including euro) securitised assets B8GF B8GI B7GQ B8GB B7GZ B8GC B5QM B6QG Amounts outstanding of euro securitised assets B8GE B8GH B7GP B7GX B7GV B7GY B5QK B6QE Changes in sterling securitised assets B8GY B9GB B8GJ B8GO B8GM B8GP B6QL B7GF Changes in foreign currency (including euro) securitised assets B9GA B9GD B8GL B8GW B8GU B8GX B6QP B7GJ Changes in euro securitised assets B8GZ B9GC B8GK B8GS B8GQ B8GT B6QN B7GH Amounts outstanding of sterling assets ring- fenced for covered bond programmes B6QI B7GS B5QJ B6QD Changes in sterling assets ring- faced for covered bonds B7GL B8GN B6QM B7GG Amounts outstanding of sterling holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B5QU B5QO B8IK Amounts outstanding of foreign currency (including euro) holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B5QY B5QS B8IO Amounts outstanding of euro holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B5QW B5QQ B8IM Changes in sterling holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B6QX B6QR B8IL Changes in foreign currency (including euro) holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B7GA B6QV B8IP Changes in euro holdings of securities issued by own SPVs B6QZ B6QT B8IN -
B1.6 - Monetary financial institutions' securitisation issuance by own SPVs
View full table B1.6 UK resident SPV Non resident SPV Total Sterling amounts outstanding of sterling securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RO B9GE B6RL Sterling amounts outstanding of foreign currency securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RQ B6RK B6RN Sterling amounts outstanding of euro securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RP B9GF B6RM Sterling changes in sterling securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RX B6RR B6RU Sterling changes in foreign currency securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RZ B6RT B6RW Sterling changes in euro securities issued by own SPVs (NSA) B6RY B6RS B6RV -
B1.7 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) holdings of UK government securities
View full table B1.7 Under 5 years residual maturity 5 to under 25 years residual maturity 25 years and over residual maturity Total Under 1 year 1 and under 2 years 2 and under 3 years 3 and under 4 years 4 and under 5 years Under 5 years 5 and under 6 years 6 and under 7 years 7 and under 8 years 8 and under 9 years 9 and under 10 years 10 and under 15 years 15 and under 20 years 20 and under 25 years 5 and under 25 years 25 and under 30 years 30 years and over 25 years and over Amounts outstanding - gross gilt long positions (NSA) ZL4A ZL4B ZL4C ZL4D ZL4E B7PH ZL4F ZL4G ZL4H ZL4I ZL4J ZL4K ZL4L ZL4M B7PJ ZL4N ZL4O B7PI B7PK Amounts outstanding - gross gilt short positions (NSA) ZL4P ZL4Q ZL4R ZL4S ZL4T B7PM ZL4U ZL4V ZL4W ZL4X ZL4Y ZL4Z ZL52 ZL53 B7PO ZL54 ZL55 B7PN B7PP Amounts outstanding - gross treasury bill long positions (NSA) B7PQ Amounts outstanding - gross treasury bill short positions (NSA) B7PS Amounts outstanding - net gilt positions (NSA) B3QP Amounts outstanding - net treasury bill positions (NSA) B3HP Changes - gross gilt long positions (NSA) ZL56 ZL57 ZL58 ZL59 ZL5A B7PT ZL5B ZL5C ZL5D ZL5E ZL5F ZL5G ZL5H ZL5I B7PV ZL5J ZL5K B7PU B7PW Changes - gross gilt short positions (NSA) ZL5L ZL5M ZL5N ZL5O ZL5P B7PY ZL5Q ZL5R ZL5S ZL5T ZL5U ZL5V ZL5W ZL5X B8PA ZL5Y ZL5Z B7PZ B8PB Changes - gross treasury bill long positions (NSA) B8PC Changes - gross treasury bill short positions (NSA) B8PE Changes - net gilt positions (NSA) B4CA Changes outstanding - net treasury bill positions (NSA) B4BA -
B2.1 - Monetary financial institutions' consolidated balance sheet
View full table B2.1 Currency, deposits and money market instruments Other liabilities Loans Securities (other than financial derivatives) Other assets Financial derivatives (net) Other securities issued Other liabilities Total liabilities/ assets Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Private sector Public sector Non-residents Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of liabilities (SA) VWRB VWRC VWQZ VWRA VWRD VWRE VWRF VWRG VWRS Amounts outstanding of liabilities (NSA) VYAX VYAY VYAZ VYBA VYBB VYBC VWKM VWKN VWKO VWKP VWKQ VWKR VYBF Changes in liabilities (SA) VWQL VWQM VWQJ VWQK VWQN VWQO VWQP VWQQ VWRQ Changes in liabilities (NSA) VYAA VYAB VYAC VYAD VYAE VYAF VWKG VWKH VWKI VWKJ VWKK VWKL VYAI Amounts outstanding of assets (SA) VWWV VWWW VWWX VWWY VWWZ VWXA VWXB VWXC VWXD VWXE VWXF VWXG VWRN Amounts outstanding of assets (NSA) VYBG VYBH VYBI VYBJ VYBK VYBL VYBM VYBN VYBO VYBP VYBQ VYBR VYBS Changes in assets (SA) VWSY VWSZ VWSW VWSX VWTA VWTB VWTE VWTF VWTC VWTD VWTG VWTH VWQX Changes in assets (NSA) VYAJ VYAK VYAL VYAM VYAN VYAO VYAP VYAQ VYAR VYAS VYAT VYAU VYAV -
B2.1.1 - Monetary financial institutions' consolidated balance sheet - further sectoral breakdown
View full table B2.1.1 Other financial corporations Private non-financial corporations Households Non-profit institutions serving households Total private sector Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of private sector currency, deposits and money market instruments (NSA) VWLI VWLJ VWLK VWLL VWLM VWLN VWLO VWLP VYAX VYAY Changes in private sector currency, deposits and money market instruments (NSA) VWKS VWKT VWKU VWKV VWKW VWKX VWKY VWKZ VYAA VYAB General government of which: Public corporations Total Sterling Foreign currency Central government Local government Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of public sector currency, deposits and money market instruments (NSA) VWLQ VWLR VWLS VWLT VWLU VWLV VWLW VWLX VYAZ VYBA Amounts outstanding of public sector loans (NSA) VWMW VWMX VWMY VWMZ VWPA VWPB VWPC VWPD VYBI VYBJ Amounts outstanding of public sector securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) VWOC VWOD VWOE VWOF VWOG VWOH VWOI VWOJ VYBO VYBP Changes in public sector currency, deposits and money market instruments (NSA) VWLA VWLB VWLC VWLD VWLE VWLF VWLG VWLH VYAC VYAD Changes in public sector loans (NSA) VWMG VWMH VWMI VWMJ VWMK VWML VWMM VWMN VYAL VYAM Changes in public sector securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) VWPM VWPN VWPO VWPP VWPQ VWPR VWPS VWPT VYAR VYAS Holdings of security issued by: Other financial corporations Private non- financial corporations Non profit institutions serving households Total private sector Non- intermediate other financial corporations Intermediate other financial corporations Sterling total Foreign currency total Intermediate other financial corporations Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total Amounts outstanding of private sector securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) Z56Y Z56V Z56W Z5HP Z575 Z572 Z573 Z5GU Z56E Z56B Z56C Z5GS Z56J Z56G Z56H Z5GT VWPU VWPV Z56O Z56L Z56M VWPW Z56T Z56Q Z56R VWPX VWOA VWOB VYBM VYBN Changes in private sector securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) Z57U Z57R Z57S Z5HQ Z57Z Z57W Z57X Z5GX Z57A Z577 Z578 Z5GV Z57F Z57C Z57D Z5GW VWPE VWPF Z57K Z57H Z57I VWPG Z57P Z57M Z57N VWPH VWPK VWPL VYAP VYAQ Other financial corporations Private non- financial corporations Households Non- profit institutions serving households Total private sector Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign Loans excluding overdrafts Overdrafts Total Loans excluding overdrafts Overdrafts Total Loans excluding overdrafts Overdrafts Total Loans excluding overdrafts Overdrafts Total Loans excluding overdrafts Overdrafts Total Sterling Foreign currency Loans with original maturity up to an incl. 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to an incl. 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to an incl. 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to an incl. 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to and incl. 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Amounts outstanding of private sector loans (NSA) Z59X Z5A2 Z5H5 Z59U VWMO Z5A8 Z5AB Z5HB Z5A5 VWMP Z59Y Z5A3 Z5H7 Z59V VWMQ Z5A9 Z5AC Z5HD Z5A6 VWMR Z59Z Z5A4 Z5H6 Z59W VWMS VWMT VWMU VWMV VYBG VYBH Changes in private sector loans (NSA) Z5AH Z5AK Z5H8 Z5AE VWLY Z5AQ Z5AT Z5HE Z5AN VWLZ Z5AI Z5AL Z5HA Z5AF VWMA Z5AR Z5AU Z5HG Z5AO VWMB Z5AJ Z5AM Z5H9 Z5AG VWMC VWMD VWME VWMF VYAJ VYAK -
B2.2 - Central bank's contribution to the monetary financial institutions' consolidated balance sheet
View full table B2.2 Currency, deposits and money market instruments Other liabilities Loans Securities (other than financial derivatives) Other assets Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Private sector Public sector Non-residents Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of liabilities (NSA) VYCC VYCD VYCE VYCF VYCG VYCH VYCI VYCJ Changes in liabilities (NSA) VYBU VYBV VYBW VYBX VYBY VYBZ VYCA VYCB Amounts outstanding of assets (NSA) VYCY VYCZ VYDA VYDB VYDC VYDD VYDE VYDF VYDG VYDH VYDI VYDJ VYDK VYDL Changes in assets (NSA) VYCK VYCL VYCM VYCN VYCO VYCP VYCQ VYCR VYCS VYCT VYCU VYCV VYCW VYCX -
B2.2.1 - Central bank's contribution to the monetary financial institutions' consolidated balance sheet (expanded version)
View full table B2.2.1 Currency Reserve balances Deposit and money market instruments Other liabilities Loans Securities (other than financial derivatives) Other assets Private sector Public sector Non-residents MFIs Total Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Private sector Public sector Non-residents Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of liabilities (NSA) VWSN VWSO VWSP VWSQ VWSS BL22 VWST VYCD VWSU VYCF VWSV VYCH VYCI VYCJ Changes in liabilities (NSA) VWSE VWSF VWSG VWSH VWSJ BL23 VWSK VYBV VWSL VYBX VWSM VYBZ VYCA VYCB Amounts outstanding of assets (NSA) VYCY VYCZ VYDA VYDB VYDC VYDD VYDE VYDF VYDG VYDH VYDI VYDJ VYDK VYDL Changes in assets (NSA) VYCK VYCL VYCM VYCN VYCO VYCP VYCQ VYCR VYCS VYCT VYCU VYCV VYCW VYCX -
B2.5 - Monetary financial institutions' (excluding central bank) consolidated balance sheet
View full table B2.5 Currency, deposits and money market instruments Other liabilities Loans Securities (other than financial derivatives) Other assets Private sector Public sector Non-residents Private sector Public sector Non-residents Private sector Public sector Non-residents Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Sterling Foreign currency Amounts outstanding of liabilities (NSA) B2US B2UV B2UM B2UP B2UG B2UJ B2UB B2UD Changes in liabilities (NSA) B2VS B2VV B2VM B2VP B2VG B2VJ B2VB B2VD Amounts outstanding of assets (NSA) B2UQ B2UT B2UK B2UN B2UE B2UH B2UR B2UU B2UL B2UO B2UF B2UI B2UA B2UC Changes in assets (NSA) B2VQ B2VT B2VK B2VN B2VE B2VH B2VR B2VU B2VL B2VO B2VF B2VI B2VA B2VC -
B2.5.1 - Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank): further sectoral breakdown of non-resident business
View full table B2.5.1 Deposit-taking corporations Other financial corporations Central government Other non-residents Total non-residents Sterling Foreign currency of which Euro Sterling Foreign currency of which Euro Sterling Foreign currency of which Euro Sterling Foreign currency of which Euro Sterling Foreign currency of which Euro Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total of which intra group Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total of which intra group Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Total of which intra group Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total of which intra group Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total of which intra group Quoted shares Bonds and other debt securities Other securities Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total of which intra group Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Loans with original maturity up to and including 12 months Loans with original maturity over 12 months Total Amounts outstanding of non- resident deposits (NSA) Z6BS Z6C2 Z6BQ Z6BY Z6BT Z6C3 Z6CA Z6CI Z6C8 Z6CG Z6CB Z6CJ Z6CQ Z6CO Z6CR Z6H2 Z6GY Z6H3 Amounts outstanding of loans to non- residents (NSA) Z6CY Z6D8 Z6CW Z6D6 Z6CZ Z6D9 Z6E6 Z6EE Z6DO Z6DW Z6E4 Z6EC Z6DM Z6DU Z6E7 Z6EF Z6DP Z6DX Z6EM Z6EK Z6EN Z6HA Z6H8 Z6HB Amounts outstanding of holdings of non- resident securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) Z5ZW Z62M Z634 Z5ZG Z5ZO Z5ZU Z62K Z632 Z5ZE Z5ZM Z5ZX Z62N Z635 Z5ZH Z5ZP Z64I Z658 Z65O Z63C Z64A Z64G Z656 Z65M Z63A Z648 Z64J Z659 Z65P Z63D Z64B Z65W Z65U Z65X Z666 Z664 Z667 Z6GQ Z6GO Z6GR Changes in non- resident deposits (NSA) Z6BW Z6C6 Z6BU Z6C4 Z6BX Z6C7 Z6CF Z6CM Z6CC Z6CK Z6CE Z6CN Z6CU Z6CS Z6CV Z6H6 Z6H4 Z6H7 Changes in loans to non- residents (NSA) Z6D4 Z6D8 Z6D2 Z6DA Z6D5 Z6DD Z6EA Z6EI Z6DS Z6E2 Z6E8 Z6EG Z6DQ Z6DY Z6EB Z6EJ Z6DT Z6E3 Z6EU Z6F4 Z6EQ Z6ES Z6F2 Z6EO Z6EV Z6F5 Z6ER Z6HE Z6HC Z6HF Changes in holdings of non- resident securities (other than financial derivatives) (NSA) Z622 Z62Q Z638 Z5ZK Z5ZS Z5ZY Z62O Z636 Z5ZI Z5ZQ Z623 Z62R Z639 Z5ZL Z5ZT Z64M Z65C Z65S Z63G Z64E Z64K Z65A Z65Q Z63E Z64C Z64N Z65D Z65T Z63H Z64F Z662 Z65Y Z663 Z6EY Z6F8 Z66A Z6EW Z6F6 Z668 Z6EZ Z6F9 Z66B Z6GU Z6GS Z6GV -
B3.1 - Monetary financial institutions' quarterly income and expenditure
View full table B3.1 £ million Interest recievable Interest payable Net interest recievable Dividends received Fees and commissions Other income and expenditure Dividends paid Payments to/from non-residents Money market instruments Loans and advances Repos and reverse repos Bonds and floating rate notes Total Money market instruments Loans and advances Repos and reverse repos Bonds and floating rate notes Total Income Expense Net Income Expenditure Net Interest recievable on loans and advances Interest payable on deposits Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Income and expenditure (NSA) TGEB TGEC TGED TGEE TGEF TGEG TGEH TGEI TGEJ TGEK B68F B69F B72F B73F B74F B75F B76F TGEM B78F B79F B82F B83F B84F -
B3.2 - Monetary financial institutions' annual profit and loss
View full table B3.2 £ million Interest income Dividends received Fees and commissions Trading income Other income Total income Operating expenses Profit before provisions Net new provision charges Other items Pre-tax profit Tax Dividends paid Other transfers Retained profit Receivable Payable Net Receivable Payable Net Staff costs Other Total TGEF TGEK B68F B69F B72F B73F B74F B5RF B75F B5RG B5RH B5RI B76F B5RJ B5RO B5RK B5RL B5RM B78F B5RN B5RP Income and expenditure (NSA) External business of monetary financial institutions operating in the UK US$ million, not seasonally adjusted Changes in liabilities Developed countries B2225R of which non-resident banks B2235R Offshore centres B2221N Developing countries Europe B2223C Latin America & Caribbean B2224U Africa & Middle East B2224W Asia & Pacific B2224Y Total developing B2224T International organisations B2221C Other and unallocated B2225M Total external liabilities B222 Changes in assets Developed countries B2245R of which non-resident banks B2255R Offshore centres B2241N Developing countries Europe B2243C Latin America & Caribbean B2244U Africa & Middle East B2244W Asia & Pacific B2244Y Total developing B2244T International organisations B2241C Other and unallocated B2245M Total external assets B224 Changes in liabilities by nationality of reporting institution German British American Swiss Japanese French Italian BM83 BM84 BM85 BM86 BM87 BM88 BM89 Changes in assets by nationality of reporting institution German British American Swiss Japanese French Italian B234 B235 B236 B237 B238 B239 B242 -
C1.1 - Industrial analysis of monetary financial institutions' deposits from UK residents
View full table C1.1 Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity , gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Accommodation and food service activities Transport, storage and communication Real estate, professional services and support activities Public administration and defence Education Human health and social work Recreational, personal and community service activities Financial intermediation (excluding insurance and pension funds) Insurance companies and pension funds Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation Total financial and non financial businesses Individuals and individuals trusts Total UK residents Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles, wearing apparel and leather Pulp, paper and printing Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics Non- metallic mineral products and metals Machinery, equipment and transport equipment Electrical, medical and optical equipment Other manufacturing Total Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning Water collection and sewerage Waste management related services and remediation activities Total Development of buildings Construction of commercial buildings Construction of domestic buildings Civil engineering Other construction activities Total Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale trade, excluding motor vehicles and motor cycles Retail trade excluding motor vehicles and motor cycles Total Transportation and storage Information and communication Total Buying, selling and renting of real estate Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support services Total Financial leasing corporations Non- bank credit grantors excluding credit unions and SPVs Credit unions Factoring corporations Mortgage and housing credit corporations excluding SPVs Investment and unit trusts excluding money market mutual funds Money market mutual funds Bank holding companies Securities dealers SPVs related to securitisation Other financial intermediaries of which intragroup activity Total Insurance companies Pension funds Total Fund management activities Other Total Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Personal and community service activities Total Central clearing counterparties Other auxiliary activities Total Amounts outstanding of deposit liabilities (including under repo) in sterling (NSA) TDCB TDCC TDCD TDCF TDCG TDCH TDCI TDCJ TDCK TDCL TDCM TDCE TDCN TDCO BE2M B3FI B3FW B7EK B3LS B3JO B4PS TDCP TDCR TDCS TDCT TDCQ TDCU B5PF B3NI TDCV TDCX B3ON B6PK TDCW TDDB TDDC TDDD TDDF TDDE B3S6 TDDH TDDI TDDJ TDDK TDDL TDDM TDDN TDDO TDDP B3T5 TDDQ B3U3 TDDG B7FI B3VH TDDR TDDS B7FT B7FY TDDT B3Y8 Z945 TDDU TDCA Amounts outstanding of deposit liabilities (including under repo) in other currencies (NSA) B4OH B4OI B4OJ B4OK B4OL B4OM B4ON B4OO B4OP B4OQ B4OR B4OS B4OT B4OU B9EA B9EB B9EC B9ED B9EE B9EF B9EG B4OV B4OW B4OX B4OY B4OZ B5OA B9EH B9EI B5OB B5OC B9EJ B9EK B5OG B5OH B5OI B5OJ B5OK B5OL B9EL B5OM B5ON B5OO B5OP B5OQ B5OR B5OS B5OT B5OU B9EM B5OV B9EN B5OW B9EO B9EP B5OX B5OY B9EQ B9ER B5OZ B9ES Z947 B3SK B6OA Amounts outstanding of deposit liabilities (including under repo) in all currencies (NSA) TDAB TDAC TDAD TDAF TDAG TDAH TDAI TDAJ TDAK TDAL TDAM TDAE TDAN TDAO BE2N B3FJ B3FX B7EL B3LT B4PG B4PT TDAP TDAR TDAS TDAT TDAQ TDAU B5PG B3NJ TDAV TDAX B3TK B6PL TDAW TDBB TDBC TDBD TDBF TDBE B3S7 TDBH TDBI TDBJ TDBK TDBL TDBM TDBN TDBO TDBP B3T6 TDBQ B3U4 TDBG B3V2 B7FO TDBR TDBS B7FU B7FZ TDBT B5H5 Z8ZX TDBU TDAA Changes in deposit liabilities (including under repo) in sterling (NSA) TDEB TDEC TDED TDEF TDEG TDEH TDEI TDEJ TDEK TDEL TDEM TDEE TDEN TDEO BE2O B3FK B3FY B7EM B3LU B4PH B4PU TDEP TDER TDES TDET TDEQ TDEU B5PH B3NK TDEV TDEX B6PA B6PM TDEW TDFB TDFC TDFD TDFF TDFE B3S8 TDFH TDFI TDFJ TDFK TDFL TDFM TDFN TDFO TDFP B3T7 TDFQ B3U5 TDFG B3V3 B7FP TDFR TDFS B7FV B8FA TDFT B8FG Z946 TDFU TDEA Changes in deposit liabilities (including under repo) in other currencies (NSA) TDGB TDGC TDGD TDGF TDGG TDGH TDGI TDGJ TDGK TDGL TDGM TDGE TDGN TDGO BE2P B3FL B6EZ B7EN B3LV B4PI B4PV TDGP TDGR TDGS TDGT TDGQ TDGU B5PI B3OA TDGV TDGX B6PB B6PN TDGW TDHB TDHC TDHD TDHF TDHE B3S9 TDHH TDHI TDHJ TDHK TDHL TDHM TDHN TDHO TDHP B3T8 TDHQ B3U6 TDHG B3V4 B3W2 TDHR TDHS BG2A B8FB TDHT B8FH Z948 TDHU TDGA Changes in deposit liabilities (including under repo) in all currencies (NSA) BG23 BG24 BG25 BG27 BG28 BG29 BG32 BG33 BG34 BG35 BG36 BG26 BG38 BG39 B9GG B3FM B7EA B7EO B3LW B4PJ B4PW BG42 BG44 BG45 BG46 BG43 BG47 B5PJ B5PQ BG48 BG52 B6PC B3RF BG49 BG56 BG57 BG58 BG62 BG63 B6H2 BG65 BG66 BG67 BG68 BG69 BG72 BG73 BG74 BG75 B3T9 BG76 B3U7 BG64 B3V5 B3W3 BG77 BG79 B7FW B8FC BG82 B5H4 Z8ZY BG37 BG59 -
C1.2 - Industrial analysis of monetary financial institutions' lending to UK residents
View full table C1.2 Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity , gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Accommodation and food service activities Transport, storage and communication Real estate, professional services and support activities Public administration and defence Education Human health and social work Recreational, personal and community service activities Financial intermediation (excluding insurance and pension funds) Insurance companies and pension funds Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation Total financial and non financial businesses Individuals and individual trusts Total UK residents Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles, wearing apparel and leather Pulp, paper and printing Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics Non- metallic mineral products and metals Machinery, equipment and transport equipment Electrical, medical and optical equipment Other manufacturing Total Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning Water collection and sewerage Waste management related services and remediation activities Total Development of buildings Construction of commercial buildings Construction of domestic buildings Civil engineering Other construction activities Total Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Wholesale trade, excluding motor vehicles and motor cycles Retail trade excluding motor vehicles and motor cycles Total Transportation and storage Information and communication Total Buying, selling and renting of real estate Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support services Total Financial leasing corporations Non- bank credit grantors excluding credit unions and SPVs Credit unions Factoring corporations Mortgage and housing credit corporations excluding SPVs Investment and unit trusts excluding money market mutual funds Money market mutual funds Bank holding companies Securities dealers SPVs related to securitisation Other financial intermediaries of which intragroup activity Total Insurance companies Pension funds Total Fund management activities Other Total Lending secured on dwellings inc. bridging finance Other loans and advances Total Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Personal and community service activities Total Central clearing counterparties Other auxiliary activities Total Amounts outstanding of lending in sterling (NSA) TBUC TBUD TBUE TBUG TBUH TBUI TBUJ TBUK TBUL TBUM TBUN TBUF TBUO TBUP B3F9 B3FN B7EB B3I6 B3LX B4PK B4PX TBUQ TBUS TBUT TBUU TBUR TBUV B5PK B5PR TBUW TBUY B6PD B6PO TBUX TBVD TBVE TBVF TBVH TBVG B6PT TBVJ TBVK TBVL TBVM TBVN TBVO TBVP TBVQ TBVR B6PY TBVS B3U8 TBVI B3V6 B3W4 TBVT TBVU B7FX B8FD TBVV B8FJ Z949 TBVX TBVY TBVW TBUA Amounts outstanding of lending in other currencies (NSA) B9DI B9DJ B9DK B9DL B9DM B9DN B9DO B9DP B9DQ B9DR B9DS B9DT B9DU B9DV B9ET B9EU B9EV B9EW B9EX B9EY B9EZ B9DW B9DX B9DY B9DZ BD2A BD2B BE2A BE2B BD2C BD2D BE2C BE2D BD2H BD2I BD2J BD2K BD2L BD2M BE2E BD2N BD2O BD2P B3KS B3KT B3KU B3KV B3KW B3KX BE2F B3KY BE2G B3HZ BE2H BE2I B4OA B4OB BE2J BE2K B4OC BE2L Z94B B4OD B4OE B4OF B4OG Amounts outstanding of lending in all currencies (NSA) TBSC TBSD TBSE TBSG TBSH TBSI TBSJ TBSK TBSL TBSM TBSN TBSF TBSO TBSP B3FA B3FO B7EC B3I7 B3LY B4PL B4PY TBSQ TBSS TBST TBSU TBSR TBSV B5PL B5PS TBSW TBSY B6PE B6PP TBSX TBTD TBTE TBTF TBTH TBTG B6H5 TBTJ TBTK TBTL TBTM TBTN TBTO TBTP TBTQ TBTR B6PZ TBTS B3U9 TBTI B3V7 B3W5 TBTT TBTU B3X2 B8FE TBTV B5H8 Z92T TBTX TBTY TBTW TBSA Amounts outstanding of facilities granted in sterling (NSA) TCCC TCCD TCCE TCCG TCCH TCCI TCCJ TCCK TCCL TCCM TCCN TCCF TCCO TCCP B3FE B3FS B7EG B3ID B4PC B4PP B5QH TCCQ TCCS TCCT TCCU TCCR TCCV B5PP B5PW TCCW TCCY B6PH B3S2 TCCX TCDD TCDE TCDF TCDH TCDG B3SR TCDJ TCDK TCDL TCDM TCDN TCDO TCDP TCDQ TCDR B8EX TCDS B7FF TCDI B7FK B3W9 TCDT TCDU B3X6 B3Y4 TCDV B8FO Z94D TCDX TCDY TCDW TCCA Amounts outstanding of facilities granted in all currencies (NSA) TCAC TCAD TCAE TCAG TCAH TCAI TCAJ TCAK TCAL TCAM TCAN TCAF TCAO TCAP B3FF B3FT B7EH B3IE B4PD B3KK B5PC TCAQ TCAS TCAT TCAU TCAR TCAV B3NF B5PX TCAW TCAY B3QF B3S3 TCAX TCBD TCBE TCBF TCBH TCBG B3T2 TCBJ TCBK TCBL TCBM TCBN TCBO TCBP TCBQ TCBR B7FB TCBS B7FG TCBI B7FL B7FQ TCBT TCBU B3X7 B3Y5 TCBV B3Z2 Z94H TCBX TCBY TCBW TCAA Changes in lending in sterling (NSA) TBWC TBWD TBWE TBWG TBWH TBWI TBWJ TBWK TBWL TBWM TBWN TBWF TBWO TBWP B3FB B3FP B7ED B3IA B3IZ B4PM B4PZ TBWQ TBWS TBWT TBWU TBWR TBWV B5PM B5PT TBWW TBWY B6PF B6PQ TBWX TBXD TBXE TBXF TBXH TBXG B6PV TBXJ TBXK TBXL TBXM TBXN TBXO TBXP TBXQ TBXR B3TE TBXS B7FD TBXI B3V8 B3W6 TBXT TBXU B3X3 B8FF TBXV B8FL Z94A TBXX TBXY TBXW TBWA Changes in lending in other currencies (NSA) TBYC TBYD TBYE TBYG TBYH TBYI TBYJ TBYK TBYL TBYM TBYN TBYF TBYO TBYP B3FC B3FQ B7EE B3IB B4PA B4PN B5PA TBYQ TBYS TBYT TBYU TBYR TBYV B5PN B5PU TBYW TBYY B3PJ B6PR TBYX TBZD TBZE TBZF TBZH TBZG B6PW TBZJ TBZK TBZL TBZM TBZN TBZO TBZP TBZQ TBZR B6FZ TBZS B7FE TBZI B3V9 B3W7 TBZT TBZU B3X4 B3Y2 TBZV B8FM Z94C TBZX TBZY TBZW TBYA Changes in lending in all currencies (NSA) BG83 BG84 BG85 BG87 BG88 BG89 BG92 BG93 BG94 BG95 BG96 BG86 BG97 BG98 B3FD B3FR B7EF B3IC B4PB B4PO B5PB BG99 B2G3 B2G4 B2G5 B2G2 B2G6 B5PO B5PV B2G7 B2G9 B6PG B3RR B2G8 B3G5 B3G6 B3G7 B3G8 B3G9 B6H4 B4G3 B4G4 B4G5 B4G6 B4G7 B4G8 B4G9 B5G2 B5G3 B7FA B5G4 B3UE B4G2 B7FJ B3W8 B5G5 B5G6 B3X5 B3Y3 B5G7 B5H7 Z92U B5G9 B6G2 B5G8 B6G3 Changes in facilities granted in sterling (NSA) TCEC TCED TCEE TCEG TCEH TCEI TCEJ TCEK TCEL TCEM TCEN TCEF TCEO TCEP B3FG B3FU B7EI B3IF B4PE B4PQ B5PD TCEQ TCES TCET TCEU TCER TCEV B3NG B5PY TCEW TCEY B6PI B3S4 TCEX TCFD TCFE TCFF TCFH TCFG B3T3 TCFJ TCFK TCFL TCFM TCFN TCFO TCFP TCFQ TCFR B7FC TCFS B3UH TCFI B7FM B7FR TCFT TCFU B3X8 B3Y6 TCFV B3Z3 Z94E TCFX TCFY TCFW TCEA Changes in facilities granted in other currencies (NSA) TCGC TCGD TCGE TCGG TCGH TCGI TCGJ TCGK TCGL TCGM TCGN TCGF TCGO TCGP B3FH B3FV B7EJ B3IG B4PF B4PR B5PE TCGQ TCGS TCGT TCGU TCGR TCGV B3NH B5PZ TCGW TCGY B6PJ B3S5 TCGX TCHD TCHE TCHF TCHH TCHG B3T4 TCHJ TCHK TCHL TCHM TCHN TCHO TCHP TCHQ TCHR B3U2 TCHS B7FH TCHI B7FN B7FS TCHT TCHU B3X9 B3Y7 TCHV B3Z4 Z94G TCHX TCHY TCHW TCGA -
C2.1 - Write-offs of loans by monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank)
View full table C2.1 Private non financial corporations of which: Other financial corporations Individuals Unincorporated business Non- residents Total write- offs buying, selling and renting of the real estate Secured on dwellings Credit card Other Total Sterling (NSA) TFHB Z549 TFHC TFHD TFHE TFHF TFHG TFHH TFHI TFHA Foreign currency (including euro) (NSA) TFHK Z54A Z54A TFHM TFHP TFHH TFHI TFHA -
C3.2 - External business of monetary financial institutions operating in the UK
US$ million, not seasonally adjusted
Amounts outstanding of liabilities Developed countries Europe Andorra B254AD Austria B254AT Belgium B254BE Cyprus B254CY Denmark B254DK Estonia B254EE Finland B254FI France B254FR Germany B254DE Greece B254GR Greenland B254GL Iceland B254IS Ireland B254IE Italy B254IT Latvia B254LV Liechtenstein B254LI Lithuania B254LT Luxembourg B254LU Malta B254MT Netherlands B254NL Norway B254NO Portugal B254PT Slovakia B254SK Slovenia B254SI Spain B254ES Sweden B254SE Switzerland B254CH Vatican City State B254VA Other B254R1 Total B2545K Other developed Australia B254AU Canada B254CA Japan B254JP New Zealand B254NZ United States B254US Total developed countries B2545R Offshore centres Aruba B254AW Bahamas B254BS Bahrain B254BH Barbados B254BB Bermuda B254BM Cayman Islands B254KY Curacao B254CW Gibraltar B254GI Guernsey B254GG Hong Kong B254HK Isle of Man B254IM Jersey B254JE Lebanon B254LB Macao B254MO Mauritius B254MU Panama B254PA Samoa B254WS Singapore B254SG Sint Maarten B254SX Vanuatu B254VU West Indies UK B2541Z Other B254R2 Total B2541N Developing countries Europe Albania B254AL Belarus B254BY Bosnia-Herzegovina B254BA Bulgaria B254BG Croatia B254HR Czech Republic B254CZ Hungary